Katrina has displaced hundreds of thousands of Americans who now need food, housing, and cash. Relief for those necessities will have to be temporary and it will be many months before they can return to New Orleans, if ever, so what they need most of … [Read more...] about Dealing with Katrina
High Stakes in Judicial Supremacy — September 2005
High Stakes in Judicial Supremacy The histrionics of the liberals about the impending nomination to fill the Supreme Court vacancy look overwrought, but they are heartfelt. The liberals know they've lost the legislative and … [Read more...] about High Stakes in Judicial Supremacy — September 2005
High Stakes In Judicial Supremacy
The histrionics of the liberals about the impending nomination to fill the Supreme Court vacancy look overwrought, but they are heartfelt. The liberals know they've lost the legislative and executive branches of government, and their only hope of … [Read more...] about High Stakes In Judicial Supremacy
Republican Appointees Disappoint Again
The Supreme Court wrapped up one of its most disappointing terms in years. Plagued by Chief Justice Rehnquist's absence due to illness, the other justices behaved like the gang that cannot shoot straight. The Court banished the Ten Commandments … [Read more...] about Republican Appointees Disappoint Again
Federal Incentives Make Children Fatherless
Why has Congress appropriated taxpayers' money to give perverse incentives that break up families and deprive children of their fathers? The built-in financial incentives in the current child-support system have expanded the tragedy of fatherless … [Read more...] about Federal Incentives Make Children Fatherless
Continental Dream; British Nightmare; Warning to America
The European ruling elite is having a collective nervous breakdown for fear the French will vote No on May 29 and reject the European constitution. Eleven opinion polls indicate it is likely that democracy may upset the power-seeking politicians' … [Read more...] about Continental Dream; British Nightmare; Warning to America
Is Relying on Foreign Law Impeachable? — May 2005
Is Relying on Foreign Law Impeachable? "By what conceivable warrant can nine lawyers presume to be the authoritative conscience of the Nation?" So asked an incredulous Justice Antonin Scalia in dissent to the latest outrage … [Read more...] about Is Relying on Foreign Law Impeachable? — May 2005
The Liberals Rally Round Judicial Supremacy
A recent small gathering of conservatives who dared to criticize judicial supremacists has caused an outpouring of paranoia among liberals and others who want judges to make the major social and political decisions of our times. The ad hoc group … [Read more...] about The Liberals Rally Round Judicial Supremacy
Driver’s Licenses For Illegals?
The American public is overwhelmingly opposed to the granting of driver's licenses to illegal aliens, but the establishment, the media, and the pro-open-borders lobby are pulling out all the stops to defy the will of the people. This issue is … [Read more...] about Driver’s Licenses For Illegals?
Next We Should Starve The Courts
The courts so purposely humiliated Congress in the Terri Schiavo case that some Representatives are finally beginning to talk back. Unelected judges have flagrantly abused the legislative and executive functions of government for so many years that … [Read more...] about Next We Should Starve The Courts