In extraordinary Senate-House coordination, the two Judiciary committees in the same week voted out a bill (S.1145 and H.R.1908) which, if it becomes law, will spell the end of America's world leadership in innovation. Called the Patent Reform … [Read more...] about The Globalists’ Plan To Give Away U.S. Patents
Look Out For Another Big Spending Boondoggle
A new grab for power over education now lurking in the corridors of Congress reminds me of a song popular in the Harry James/Frank Sinatra era: "I've Heard That Song Before." Section 3401, inserted by the Senate (but not the House) in … [Read more...] about Look Out For Another Big Spending Boondoggle
Trade Demands a Level Playing Field — July 2007
Trade Demands a Level Playing Field The goal of our post-World War II trade agreements, such as the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), was to lower tariffs mutually in … [Read more...] about Trade Demands a Level Playing Field — July 2007
So-Called Patent Reform Cheats U.S. Inventors
The globalists are making a new attempt to circumvent and weaken a right explicitly recognized in the U.S. Constitution: Americans' exclusive ownership of their own inventions. Fortunately, Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK), Charles Grassley (R-IA), Jon … [Read more...] about So-Called Patent Reform Cheats U.S. Inventors
Raiding U.S. Taxpayers’ Pockets
As the details of the Kennedy-Kyl (K-K) amnesty/guest worker bill unfold, it is becoming apparent that the globalists' plan for the economic integration of North America is not just a figment of the imagination of conspiracy believers, or an … [Read more...] about Raiding U.S. Taxpayers’ Pockets
Congress’s Opportunity To Restore Parental Rights
The reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Education Act offers Congress a splendid opportunity to enforce parents' rights that have been outrageously trampled on by the public schools. When the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that … [Read more...] about Congress’s Opportunity To Restore Parental Rights
Cheers For An Independent Judge
Marketing policy of the book publishing industry now calls for a catchy title followed by an explanatory subtitle. The Tyranny of Tolerance was published this month with the subtitle: “A Sitting Judge Breaks the Code of Silence to Expose the … [Read more...] about Cheers For An Independent Judge
Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Who Defines American Culture? With all the public discussion about the values voters (whether they voted in the 2006 election or stayed home), the underlying question is, what is the role of government in defining our … [Read more...] about Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Congressmen Need Tutorials On The Constitution
Some federal employees are griping because a new law requires them to take a 25-minute tutorial on the U.S. Constitution. Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) sponsored this law, along with a similar law requiring every public school to "hold an … [Read more...] about Congressmen Need Tutorials On The Constitution
Conservatives on the March for Private Property
Grassroots conservatives are again asserting themselves forcefully and effectively against governmental impudence. Having defeated the Harriet Miers Supreme Court nomination and the Dubai Ports sellout, conservatives are now flexing their muscles … [Read more...] about Conservatives on the March for Private Property