Since the April defeats for traditional marriage in the Iowa Supreme Court, the Vermont legislature, and the Washington, D.C. city council, Americans in the other 48 states are quietly stress-testing their legal defenses against the spread of … [Read more...] about Yes, Marriage Can Be Saved From the Gay Lobby
Global Warming Is Running Out of Hot Air
The coldest winter in a decade in many places, with snow in unlikely cities such as New Orleans, has deflated some of the hot air in global warming. And a heavy snowfall that paralyzed Washington, DC upstaged a mass demonstration scheduled to promote … [Read more...] about Global Warming Is Running Out of Hot Air
The Court’s One-Two Punch
Dwight Eisenhower reportedly admitted that he made two big mistakes as President: his two appointments to the Supreme Court, Earl Warren and William Brennan. One day it might be said that George W. Bush got two things right as President: his two … [Read more...] about The Court’s One-Two Punch
Obama’s Stimulus
Under the subterfuge of helping the economy, Barack Obama's Stimulus legislates vast new spending programs to finance liberal policy goals that are unnecessary and undesirable. The flow of taxpayers' money will be so gargantuan as to make … [Read more...] about Obama’s Stimulus
Obama’s Picks Don’t Change the Culture in Washington
President Barack Obama has indeed made history. His selections for his Cabinet and other top government offices make a mockery of his much publicized campaign promises to give us "the most sweeping ethics reform in history" and to … [Read more...] about Obama’s Picks Don’t Change the Culture in Washington
Con Con Is a Terrible Idea
The mind-boggling amounts of the bailouts Congress has passed and is still debating, plus shocking Wall Street frauds, seem to have plunged some lawmakers into a silly season. Ohio state legislators this month held a surprise hearing on a … [Read more...] about Con Con Is a Terrible Idea
Lessons of The Gun Decision
The liberals are trying to spin the Supreme Court's dramatic decision in the gun case as creating a "new" constitutional right. They couldn't be more wrong; the Supreme Court simply restated the individual right that the Founding … [Read more...] about Lessons of The Gun Decision
Judicial Supremacy Strikes in Oklahoma
The elected representatives in Oklahoma passed a law to stem the tide of illegal aliens and, faster than you can say "judicial supremacy," a federal judge blocked its enforcement. The court suspended key sections of the law even before it … [Read more...] about Judicial Supremacy Strikes in Oklahoma
Stunning Victory Against Judicial Supremacy
The media have been telling us to watch the gun-control case now before the U.S. Supreme Court, where we await a decision about Americans' Second Amendment rights. But the Second Circuit Court of Appeals just handed down an equally important gun … [Read more...] about Stunning Victory Against Judicial Supremacy
Kansas Plans to Shake Up State Court Judges
Kansas will have a proposition on the ballot in November that could send shock waves into the tenure of state court judges. The voters in Johnson County, Kansas (suburban Kansas City) will vote on the right to elect their 10th judicial district court … [Read more...] about Kansas Plans to Shake Up State Court Judges