One of the greatest risks of the current Lame Duck Congress is the possibility of Senate confirmation of Obama's radical appointments to federal courts, boards and agencies. Nominees hoping for confirmation include the radical redistributionist … [Read more...] about Lame Duck Judges Should Not Be Confirmed
Government by Regulations Instead of Laws and Treaties
Republicans are assuming that Cap-and-trade (a.k.a. Cap-and-tax) is dead because Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid lacks the votes to bring up the House-passed bill and because this issue proved a loser in the 2010 House races. Like the famous Mark … [Read more...] about Government by Regulations Instead of Laws and Treaties
Questions for Congressional Candidates
We look forward to the 2010 elections in the hope that we can decisively reject Barack Obama's plans to "fundamentally transform the United States." Here are some questions voters can ask all candidates to help decide whom to vote … [Read more...] about Questions for Congressional Candidates
America’s Great Religious Document
Tea Parties and other spontaneous groups of activists are bringing a new appreciation of the United States Constitution to grassroots America, so this Fourth of July would be a good occasion to make sure that they also appreciate our other essential … [Read more...] about America’s Great Religious Document
Elena Kagan Should Be Rejected
Barack Obama revealed his goal for the Supreme Court when he complained on Chicago Radio Station WBEZ-FM in 2001 that the Earl Warren Court wasn't "radical" enough because "it didn't break free from the essential constraints … [Read more...] about Elena Kagan Should Be Rejected
Elena Kagan Should Be Rejected
Barack Obama revealed his goal for the Supreme Court when he complained on Chicago Radio Station WBEZ-FM in 2001 that the Earl Warren Court wasn't "radical" enough because "it didn't break free from the essential constraints … [Read more...] about Elena Kagan Should Be Rejected
Obama Missed A Great Chance
President Obama had a golden Memorial Day opportunity to show the country that (contrary to his left flank) he is not anti-military and not anti-Christian, by telling Attorney General Eric Holder to order the Park Service to permit volunteer veterans … [Read more...] about Obama Missed A Great Chance
Obama Missed A Great Chance
President Obama had a golden Memorial Day opportunity to show the country that (contrary to his left flank) he is not anti-military and not anti-Christian, by telling Attorney General Eric Holder to order the Park Service to permit volunteer veterans … [Read more...] about Obama Missed A Great Chance
Some Pay, and Some Receive
The news that the United States has become a two-class society, i.e., half of Americans pay federal income taxes and half don't, has bounced around the media and shocked Americans. Most people had no knowledge of this appalling economic … [Read more...] about Some Pay, and Some Receive
Some Pay, and Some Receive
The news that the United States has become a two-class society, i.e., half of Americans pay federal income taxes and half don't, has bounced around the media and shocked Americans. Most people had no knowledge of this appalling economic … [Read more...] about Some Pay, and Some Receive