Phyllis Schlafly is perhaps best remembered for leading grassroot campaigns against Communism, abortion and the Equal Rights Amendment. Perhaps less well known, Schlafly was also a champion of inventors, and a defender of a vigorous … [Read more...] about Phyllis Schlafly, Champion of Inventors, Defender of Vigorous U.S. Patent System
Trump’s Breakthrough Win Against Shutdown
President Trump proved the pundits to be wrong, once again, with his breakthrough victory against the shutdown. Nearly all political experts pompously declared that Republicans cannot win in a shutdown, and yet Trump did exactly that. Margaret … [Read more...] about Trump’s Breakthrough Win Against Shutdown
Obama’s ‘Two-Class’ America
Everyone has heard Barack Obama’s now-infamous promise to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” While politicos can and will debate the “how” and “why” of the transformation for generations … [Read more...] about Obama’s ‘Two-Class’ America
Confronting the Feminists’ ‘Fatherphobia’
When liberals know they do not have a real argument to give on an issue, they overcome that gap in logic by tacking the suffix “phobia” on a word and turning it into an insult. If you want America to control her borders, you have xenophobia. If you … [Read more...] about Confronting the Feminists’ ‘Fatherphobia’
Liberals Still ‘Really Don’t Like Our Constitutional Process’
Sometimes the biggest problem plaguing conservatives is that we do not have the same mentality that liberals have. We see politics like a game of football. We laud the importance of “keeping our eye on the ball” so that we can score a “touchdown” in … [Read more...] about Liberals Still ‘Really Don’t Like Our Constitutional Process’
A ‘Slick Media Event’ Shrouds the Facts on Guns
The June 2000 Phyllis Schlafly Report relied on cold hard facts from the reputable Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to overcome emotionally charged rhetoric. When the Clinton-backed Million Moms March tried to paint a false narrative about … [Read more...] about A ‘Slick Media Event’ Shrouds the Facts on Guns
Violent Outburst Against Rand Paul
When a Leftist goes on a shooting rampage and then kills himself, or is killed by a bystander, then there may not be much to prosecute. But last month, a frightening assault against a leading conservative in the U.S. Senate, Rand Paul, has left much … [Read more...] about Violent Outburst Against Rand Paul
PRESS: Congress Must Say No To Amnesty Push In Year End Spending Bill
Washington, D.C.: In a final push for the spending bill that must be passed by December 22, Democrats have threatened to not support the bill without an amnesty for DACA recipients. The Speaker of the House and other Republican lawmakers have … [Read more...] about PRESS: Congress Must Say No To Amnesty Push In Year End Spending Bill
Looking Back To The “Government of Tomorrow”
Phyllis Schlafly believed, as Abraham Lincoln did, that “The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of the government tomorrow.” When parents had no voice in the classroom, she became that voice. When conservatives didn’t know what … [Read more...] about Looking Back To The “Government of Tomorrow”
PRESS: Ed Martin Alabama Election Coverage
Ed Martin to provide several hours of Alabama election day analysis on new St. Louis Radio show and CNN national programming. St. Louis, MO: Ed Martin, President of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and hand-picked successor of … [Read more...] about PRESS: Ed Martin Alabama Election Coverage