If you were to talk to any financial advisor, they would tell you that high stakes gambling is not the best road to financial success. Likewise, any legal scholar worth their salt will tell you that gambling our Constitution with an Article V … [Read more...] about Gambling With Our Constitution
Congress in the Con Con
Most Americans agree that our federal government is too big and does not follow the Constitution. However, where many disagree is how to solve that problem. Some people think we can hold an Article V constitutional convention to make the federal … [Read more...] about Congress in the Con Con
Classic Liberal Tactics Used to Support A Con Con
Liberals are trying to drum up support for a new constitutional convention. Unfortunately, even some conservatives are falling for their classic liberal tactics. Though organizations like the Convention of States Project claim to be conservative, one … [Read more...] about Classic Liberal Tactics Used to Support A Con Con
Too Little, Too Late in Ambushing Kavanaugh
Statutes of limitations are necessary, because memories fade and it is pointless to consider a "he said, she said" dispute decades later. No one should give credence to a new accusation about something minor that supposedly occurred more than three … [Read more...] about Too Little, Too Late in Ambushing Kavanaugh
The Conservative Case Against COS
If there is one thing all conservatives can rally behind, it is our beloved United States Constitution. This document was crafted by some of the most intelligent and God-fearing men in history. It has stood the test of time and afforded our land an … [Read more...] about The Conservative Case Against COS
Current Attacks on the Constitution
Yesterday was Constitution Day, the 231st anniversary of the signing of our great United States Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787. This week is an excellent occasion for every American citizen to study why our Constitution is so great, and to … [Read more...] about Current Attacks on the Constitution
Time to Study the Constitution
Federal law makes it mandatory for public schools to teach about the Constitution on Constitution Day, which is September 17, or during Constitution Week if it falls on a weekend. It would be a good idea for you to check with your local public school … [Read more...] about Time to Study the Constitution
Let’s Celebrate Constitution Day
Next Monday is Constitution Day, the 231st anniversary of the day our great United States Constitution was signed in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. It should be as important a national holiday as Independence Day. Our Constitution is, really, … [Read more...] about Let’s Celebrate Constitution Day
The Constitution’s Role in Inventions
**Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // 04-187, 9/17/04** … [Read more...] about The Constitution’s Role in Inventions
Swamp Props Up Flailing Mueller Probe
After more than a year of looking for collusion and not finding any, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation should be winding down rather than winding up. But in July, in a sorely transparent attempt to disrupt the Trump-Putin summit, … [Read more...] about Swamp Props Up Flailing Mueller Probe