It has become increasingly difficult to believe that the nation the Founders envisioned will even be remotely recognizable in a couple of decades down the road. Even today, when you realize that so many of those elected to defend our Constitution … [Read more...] about Thorner: With Socialism Growing, What Are Our Chances of Making America Great Again?
Ed Martin Movement – 12/6/18
In What You Need to Know, Build the Wall, Defund Planned Parenthood, Drain the Swamp; Andrew Arthur of the Center for Immigration Studies about Jeff Sessions’ effect on immigration and whether Trump could build the wall today; Kristin Gillibrand’s … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 12/6/18
Early Voting Brings Dark Money, Less Informed Voters
Last year Hans von Spakovsky released a report for the Heritage Foundation in which he concluded that early voting can increase the cost of campaigns, and actually decrease overall election turnout. How, you ask? Early voting removes the social … [Read more...] about Early Voting Brings Dark Money, Less Informed Voters
Ed Martin Movement – 12/5/18
In What You Need to Know, Robert Mueller’s memo on General Michael Flynn; Salena Zito: These swing elections may not really be wave elections; John Schlafly on the latest Schlafly Report entitled Trump Train Pauses for One Who Missed It Phil … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 12/5/18
The Mistake of Early Voting
More than 38 million ballots were cast before Election Day on November 6 arrived this year, shattering the midterm election record for early voting. That was nearly double the level of early voting in the last midterm election in 2014. But few … [Read more...] about The Mistake of Early Voting
Liberals’ Rhetorical Ruse Exposed
Coming out of the 2016 elections, conservatives knew they would have an uphill battle ahead of them in the 2018 midterm elections. As President Trump shed light on the dirty tricks of the Left, the media only became more and more open and belligerent … [Read more...] about Liberals’ Rhetorical Ruse Exposed
Voting Judiciously in the Midterms
In 2004, Phyllis Schlafly warned America of a terrible threat to our Republic. In her landmark book called The Supremacists, she wrote about the importance of putting traditional constitutionalist justices on the Supreme Court so the American people … [Read more...] about Voting Judiciously in the Midterms
Education Reporter – December 2018
ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE David Horowitz Was Right–About the Left Mrs. Trump’s ‘Be Best’ and Christmas at the White House Common Core: Ditch It! Students Have Religious Liberty FOCUS: Mediocre Books Confirmed Work on Federal Student … [Read more...] about Education Reporter – December 2018
David Horowitz Was Right–About the Left
Find the full issue of this month's Education Reporter here. A retrospective essay about David Horowitz’s life and works by Mark Bauerlein appears in the Summer 2018 issue of the Claremont Review of Books. Titled “Radical Prophet,” it follows … [Read more...] about David Horowitz Was Right–About the Left
Students Have Religious Liberty
Find the full issue of this month's Education Reporter here. Some wonder how much Christian students are allowed to celebrate Christmas at public schools or to share about their religious beliefs. Because it is important to know what rights students … [Read more...] about Students Have Religious Liberty