It doesn’t take the author of The Art of the Deal to see that anchor babies are a bad deal for the United States. When illegal immigrants are given the full privileges of citizenship merely for the act of having a child within the physical confines … [Read more...] about As American As Apple Pie
The Ed Martin Movement 9/11/19
What You Need to Know is the correct analysis of yesterday’s North Carolina special elections and how it informs the 2020 election. John Schlafly covers the weekly #SchlaflyReport: Break Up the Tech Behemoth and how to do … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 9/11/19
Debtors Prisons Are a National Disgrace
Debtor's prisons (that means putting men in prison because they can't pay a debt) were abolished in the United States even before we abolished slavery. But did you know that they exist today to punish men who are too poor to pay what is falsely … [Read more...] about Debtors Prisons Are a National Disgrace
The Ed Martin Movement 9/10/19
What You Need to Know is that the media’s only tactic is to scream “the sky is falling” - but the reality is, Bolton is out and Trump is in charge. Jim Edwards at Eagle Council XLVIII: “To Invent Is Divine” and comments on Qualcomm and … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 9/10/19
Some Injustices of the Child-Support System
Did you know that alleged "child support" has nothing to do with supporting a child because the mother has no obligation to spend even one dollar of it on a child, and in many cases none of the "support" money ever gets to a child because it goes to … [Read more...] about Some Injustices of the Child-Support System
Break Up the Tech Behemoths
Monopoly is the popular board game where players win by monopolizing property and overcharging rivals who land there. A monopoly in business has a similar effect by stamping out competition which would benefit consumers. Google has more than … [Read more...] about Break Up the Tech Behemoths
The Ed Martin Movement 9/5/19
What You Need to Know today is if your candidates are spending 7 hours talking about climate change (and racing each other to the left) — you’re losing the general election. Christine Rousselle tells us the Virginia governor accepts … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 9/5/19
The Difficult History of Democrats and BDS
In June 1939, more than 900 Jews escaping the horrors of Nazi concentration camps were sent back to almost certain death by Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. These men, women, and children were real refugees in need of asylum, but … [Read more...] about The Difficult History of Democrats and BDS
Thorner: Take Time to Honor Our US Constitution September 17th
We are fast approaching the week to honor our U.S. Constitution, the supreme law of our land. It was signed in Philadelphia by the delegates to the Constitutional Congress on September 17, 1787, 232 years ago, to be effective when ratified … [Read more...] about Thorner: Take Time to Honor Our US Constitution September 17th
The Questions That Weren’t
Pointless hearings like the recent one that Congress held starring Robert Mueller are becoming a real problem in this country. Not only are they talking to irrelevant people like Mueller, but they aren’t even talking about the issues that are … [Read more...] about The Questions That Weren’t