THE PREMIER MORAL ISSUE Sandra O'Connor's defenders are arguing that her detractors, in opposing her because of her pro-abortion record as an Arizona State Legislator, are wrong to focus on a "single issue." But abortion is … [Read more...] about The Premier Moral Issue
Don’t Let The Courts Draft Women — January 1981
Appointments to the Supreme Court
What kind of persons should be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, and whether some kind of a qualifying test should be applied, was one of the lesser issues during the 1980 presidential campaign. Columns of newsprint were consumed in denouncing … [Read more...] about Appointments to the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court Case on Drafting Women — November 1980
The Republican Party Platform — August 1980
Washington, D.C. Amendment
State Legislatures are rejecting the proposed Washington, DC Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by a ratio of almost three to one. Original motions for ratification have already failed in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, South Carolina, Missouri, … [Read more...] about Washington, D.C. Amendment
Can a State Rescind E.R.A .? by Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr. — May 1978
Most Congressional bills or amendments that pass one House but are not voted on in the other House die quietly without further controversy. An exception to this rule is an amendment to the educationbill proposed by Congressman John Conlan which would … [Read more...] about SECULAR HUMANISM
Religion in Politics
In 1960 the winning presidential candidate, John F. Kennedy, went to great pains to put distance between himself and his church and to reassure every questioner that his religion would never interfere with his judgment as President. His campaign … [Read more...] about Religion in Politics
Speck and Early Parole
A recent resolution introduced into the Illinois Legislature dramatically illustrates the injustice of failing to impose the death penalty for heinous crimes. In Chicago on the night of July 14, 1966, a vicious criminal named Richard Speck … [Read more...] about Speck and Early Parole