Extremely violent video games have become the dangerous obsession of a significant portion of our youth, and several towns and states have passed ordinances intended to prevent minors from buying or viewing them. But judicial supremacists are … [Read more...] about Violent Video Games Held to be Free Speech
Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools — August 2006
Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools The NEA Moves Farther Left Parents who wonder why the public schools teach so many things parents don't approve of need look no further than the official policies of the nation's … [Read more...] about Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools — August 2006
“Know Your Customer” Stirs up a Hornet’s Nest
The Clinton Administration's stealth plan to monitor everyone's personal bank account has hit a bump in the road. With the public comment score now standing at 20,000-to-18 against the controversial Know Your Customer (KYC) regulation, the … [Read more...] about “Know Your Customer” Stirs up a Hornet’s Nest
Don’t Let Janet Reno Read Our E-mail
The personal privacy of individual American citizens is rapidly eroding on every front. Advancing technology has made it easier for government agencies, the police, credit bureaus, telemarketers, and all sorts of nosy people to monitor where we are, … [Read more...] about Don’t Let Janet Reno Read Our E-mail
Clinton Is Trying to be Big Brother
We hope the appropriate government agencies will soon solve the recent terrorist crimes and punish the criminals. But all Americans who care about civil liberties should vigorously resist President Clinton's attempt to use the terrorist attacks as an … [Read more...] about Clinton Is Trying to be Big Brother
Senate Should Reject the Chemical Weapons Convention
The U.S. Senate should reject ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), a treaty that purports to ban chemical weapons and forbid their production, stockpiling, and use. Contrary to its announced purpose, this foolish treaty … [Read more...] about Senate Should Reject the Chemical Weapons Convention
Let’s Punish Criminals, Not Snoop on Private Citizens
Are the Republicans in Congress going to roll over and let the Clinton Administration use the Oklahoma City tragedy as an excuse to establish a federal police state with unprecedented power to spy on and harass law-abiding citizens? President Clinton … [Read more...] about Let’s Punish Criminals, Not Snoop on Private Citizens
Conference of the States Is Losing in the States — May 1995
Conference of the States Is Losing in the States The so-called Conference of the States (COS), which was originally planned to sail through state legislatures without controversy and even without hearings, and culminate in a media … [Read more...] about Conference of the States Is Losing in the States — May 1995
Character Is the Crucial Issue — January 1995
Character Is the Crucial Issue One byproduct of the sexual revolution starting in the 1960s is the change in the writing of biography. In earlier eras, it was considered ungentlemanly to reveal the sexual adventures of prominent persons. Friendly … [Read more...] about Character Is the Crucial Issue — January 1995
Save Freedom — Defeat Phony Health “Reform” — July 1994