Spencer Brown, spokesman for the Young America’s Foundation, on the complications of bringing Ben Shapiro to Grand Canyon University and the current political climate in Minnesota; Abby Johnson on leaving her job at Planned Parenthood, speaking up … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement –3 /1/19
Never-Trumpers Harm Innocent Victims — February 2019
Never-Trumpers Harm Innocent Victims As Democrats announce their plans to run against President Trump next year, the partisan hysteria against the president grows more intense. Opposition to Trump now justifies, in the eyes of some, a vicious … [Read more...] about Never-Trumpers Harm Innocent Victims — February 2019
Town Keeps the Cross in Christmas
Phyllis Schlafly was always quick to inform us of casualties in the vicious war on Christianity in the public square. It is in that spirit, I am happy to inform you of a victory this year for the public display of our Judeo Christian values. Many of … [Read more...] about Town Keeps the Cross in Christmas
Ed Martin Movement – 1/30/19
In What You Need to Know, Abortion debate races to an ending. And it’s not good; Law denies parents access to their children’s medical records; John Schlafly on the latest Schlafly Report entitled Liberals Censor Free Speech about Diversity; Steyer: … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 1/30/19
Ed Martin Movement – 1/23/19
In What You Need to Know, Trump should give State of the Union in Fulton, MO at Westminster College; The left’s playbook is to run a false narrative until you’re caught in the lie then they just stop & move on; Dean of Pepperdine Pete Peterson on … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 1/23/19
Ed Martin Movement – 1/22/19
In What You Need to Know, January 22nd is Sanctity of Life Day. Consider donating to Mission Preborn to save unborn lives; The Covington boys and anti-Catholic bigotry; Amy Coney Barrett; Lawyer Will Chamberlain on the Covington boys and whether they … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 1/22/19
Ed Martin Movement – 1/21/19
In What You Need to Know, BuzzFeed plus Covington, KY boys; Shireen Qudosi on how hate speech prohibitions jeopardize free speech; Dr. Brett M. Decker on the shutdown and the March for Life; Steve Deace reveals how Republicans are failing … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 1/21/19
Leftist Facebook Politics Strike Again
Late last year, the drawn-out saga of dismissed Facebook, Inc. executive Palmer Luckey became fully public, and the world saw the viciously un-inclusive face of leftist politics at Facebook. In 2016, Luckey donated $10,000 to an anti-Hillary Clinton … [Read more...] about Leftist Facebook Politics Strike Again
Thorner: Should Sharia Supremacism Concern This Nation?
Might there be a growing jihadist foothold here in the U.S.? Consider the devastation in the European countries of France, Great Britain, Sweden, and Germany, that have increasingly been submitting to Sharia law because of the explosion of illegal … [Read more...] about Thorner: Should Sharia Supremacism Concern This Nation?
Thorner/O’Neil: Is a “Well-Informed Electorate” a Thing of the Past, or Has It Ever Existed?
We the People have been told that the most effective weapon against tyranny is a well-informed electorate. That is true, but the problem rarely discussed today is that a majority of people believe themselves to be fully informed; more often than not … [Read more...] about Thorner/O’Neil: Is a “Well-Informed Electorate” a Thing of the Past, or Has It Ever Existed?