What You Need to Know is “Hail Mary” moves sometimes work. This impeachment may be a total sham, but it might just work — we cannot afford to sit out the fight! This charade is already hurting good work. The IG investigations are being muddled up the … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 10/31/19
The Ed Martin Movement 10/29/19
What You Need to Know is the impeachment inquiry is relying on low-level staffers’ subjective opinions. We’ve sunk to that level — testimony on feelings and not facts. Mike Davis and Rachel Bovard of the Internet Accountability Project talk about … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 10/29/19
The Left Wants Public Hit Lists
It’s no secret that the left wing in America has been getting further left and more violent all the time. From the Antifa mobs and beatings in the streets of Portland to the blacklisting of businesses and individuals, the radical, Marxist left will … [Read more...] about The Left Wants Public Hit Lists
Good News for Free Speech at College
It seems we most often must report bad news of free speech restrictions at institutions of so-called “higher learning,” but today I’m happy to report a win for the First Amendment. Thanks to Texas Senate Bill 18 that went into effect this September, … [Read more...] about Good News for Free Speech at College
Anti-Monopoly is a Free Market Position
Monopoly is the popular board game where players win by monopolizing property and overcharging rivals who land there. A monopoly in business has a similar effect by stamping out competition which would benefit consumers. Google has more than … [Read more...] about Anti-Monopoly is a Free Market Position
Break Up the Tech Behemoths
Fifty Attorneys General representing 48 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have launched an overdue, bipartisan probe into Google’s monopoly practices. Google responded, “We have always worked constructively with regulators and … [Read more...] about Break Up the Tech Behemoths
The Ed Martin Movement 10/16/19
What You Need to Know about politics, Pelosi’s presser, and Warren’s debate dodging. Jenny Beth Martin shares how to tell Congress to stop the phony impeachment. Dr. Everett Piper article on why Millennials should practice what … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 10/16/19
Problems with California Gender Studies Curriculum
Yesterday we reported on a new Gender Studies curriculum mandated in California that has caused a public outcry. Parents from every walk of life have come out against this mandate, and have so far successfully delayed its implementation. Such … [Read more...] about Problems with California Gender Studies Curriculum
Indoctrination Runs Aground in California
Millions of students headed back to school this fall, seeking to acquire the knowledge and skills they need for a successful life. Many teachers enter the profession with a mission to inspire young people toward excellence and personal … [Read more...] about Indoctrination Runs Aground in California
Free Trade Means No Free Speech in the NBA
Once upon a time, professional sports were popular entertainment free of political correctness, where fans and players could be themselves and say whatever they liked. Colorful basketball stars like Dennis Rodman spoke their mind on and off the … [Read more...] about Free Trade Means No Free Speech in the NBA