The prize for the most hateful remark of the year has just been won by Senator Orrin Hatch. The chance of anyone matching it in the remaining months of 1997 is remote. I'm referring to his statement that he will be the chief sponsor of Ted … [Read more...] about Orrin Hatch Turns Out To Be A Latter Day Liberal
Republicans, Get A Life!
It's time for Republicans in Congress to Get a Life and move out of the political and ideological box they are stuck in. It's time to put past mistakes behind them and, with their majorities in both Houses, start marching to the tune of … [Read more...] about Republicans, Get A Life!
The Goals 2000 Battle Won’t Be Over Till It’s Over
President Clinton made a speech on January 22 to a group identified by the White House as "the students, parents and teachers of the Northbrook Area Schools Consortium." His audience was so friendly that it interrupted him with applause 29 … [Read more...] about The Goals 2000 Battle Won’t Be Over Till It’s Over
Republican Agenda for the 105th Congress
Republicans are trying to define their agenda for the 105th Congress by selecting specific legislative goals that can't be vetoed by President Clinton. The best answer to their search is to make this the Congress that restores our … [Read more...] about Republican Agenda for the 105th Congress
Congress Must Curb the Imperial Judiciary — February 1997
Congress Must Curb the Imperial Judiciary The most important duty of the 105th Congress is to protect America from judicial usurpation and restore our constitutional balance of powers among the three branches of our government. This goal should take … [Read more...] about Congress Must Curb the Imperial Judiciary — February 1997
Time to Abolish Legal Services Corporation
The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) had its chance to reform itself and it simply thumbed its nose at Congress. This scandal-ridden agency deserves to be completely abolished. Congress had planned to terminate LSC last year, but … [Read more...] about Time to Abolish Legal Services Corporation
Reform Starts with Cutting the Cash Flow
You can bet that the Clinton Administration will use the substitution of another African, Kofi Annan, for Boutros Boutros-Ghali as UN Secretary General as an excuse to try to bamboozle Congress to pony up a extra billion dollars in … [Read more...] about Reform Starts with Cutting the Cash Flow
Americans Are Suckers For Ponzi Schemes
The government has filed an 82-count indictment, carrying penalties of 907 years in prison and a $28 million fine, against the man who allegedly cheated donors to the Foundation for New Era Philanthropy out of $115 million. The difference … [Read more...] about Americans Are Suckers For Ponzi Schemes
Why Are More Kids Using Drugs?
The alarming rise in illegal drug use by teenagers is big news. Although drug use by adults has leveled off and is actually down since 1985, drug use (mostly in marijuana) among teens aged 12 to 17 is increasing every year, doubling since 1992 to … [Read more...] about Why Are More Kids Using Drugs?
MSAs Are The Alternative To HMOs
Why is the Republican leadership in Congress so strangely silent about the problems with Managed Care and HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations)? Why is the Republican leadership so lame in its defense of Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), which are … [Read more...] about MSAs Are The Alternative To HMOs