Conservative voters gave Republican politicians their best Christmas in at least half a century, conferring majorities at nearly all levels of government. Now, what will the politicians give the voters in return? President Bush says he wants to … [Read more...] about Spending Bush’s Political Capital
Totalization: Sellout of American Workers
The Democrats are trying to make a campaign issue out of George W. Bush's alleged plan to "privatize" Social Security, scaring seniors into thinking their checks will be cut off. That is a phony issue; all Bush suggests is to offer … [Read more...] about Totalization: Sellout of American Workers
God And The Activist Judges
Don't think that the lawsuits about the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance are settled because Judge Roy Moore was fired and Michael Newdow lost his appeal to the Supreme Court. Dozens of similar cases are boiling up all over the … [Read more...] about God And The Activist Judges
Supreme Court Sides With Pornographers Again
Do you ever wonder why the internet is so polluted with pornography? The Supreme Court just reminded us why: it blocks every attempt by Congress to regulate the pornographers. From its ivory tower, the Court props open the floodgates for smut and … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Sides With Pornographers Again
Don’t Give Criminals A Sanctuary
A favorite argument of those who support amnesty for illegal aliens is: current laws can't be enforced (like Prohibition and the 55-mile-an-hour speed limit) so we might as well adjust to reality. That's about like telling a woman, you … [Read more...] about Don’t Give Criminals A Sanctuary
Options For Dealing With Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
Congress overwhelmingly passed and President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996, and there it rested peacefully on the law books until this year. Recent events are now placing the monkey squarely on the back of President … [Read more...] about Options For Dealing With Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
Amnesty Isn’t ‘Reform’ – It’s Open Borders — January 2004
Amnesty Isn't 'Reform' — It's Open Borders When President Bush unveiled his "temporary foreign workers" plan, he got cheers from his carefully selected invitees in the East Room of the White House, but he's getting jeers … [Read more...] about Amnesty Isn’t ‘Reform’ – It’s Open Borders — January 2004
Congressional Agenda for 2003
The clouds of election contests are behind us and a new Republican majority in both Houses of Congress will gather in January. It's time to reaffirm some basic Republican principles and move ahead with legislative implementation. Principle #1. … [Read more...] about Congressional Agenda for 2003
Whose Side are the Politicians On? — October 2003
Whose Side are the Politicians On? Driver's Licenses = Pseudo Amnesty In a flip-flop to court the Hispanic vote, California Governor Gray Davis signed a bill (which he had rejected twice before) to allow illegal aliens to get driver's … [Read more...] about Whose Side are the Politicians On? — October 2003
Congress Should Stand Up and Be Counted — September 2003
Congress Should Stand Up and Be Counted Federal court decisions banning the Pledge of Allegiance and the Ten Commandments, and the possibility raised in Lawrence v. Texas that marriage may no longer be defined as the union … [Read more...] about Congress Should Stand Up and Be Counted — September 2003