The reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Education Act offers Congress a splendid opportunity to enforce parents' rights that have been outrageously trampled on by the public schools. When the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that … [Read more...] about Congress’s Opportunity To Restore Parental Rights
Congressmen Need Tutorials On The Constitution
Some federal employees are griping because a new law requires them to take a 25-minute tutorial on the U.S. Constitution. Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) sponsored this law, along with a similar law requiring every public school to "hold an … [Read more...] about Congressmen Need Tutorials On The Constitution
Time To Address Domestic Violence Abuses
The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was signed by President Bush in January without any public debate, but evidence is now surfacing which Congress should have examined before the law was passed. VAWA is a … [Read more...] about Time To Address Domestic Violence Abuses
Unintended Consequences Of Welfare Reform
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, known as Welfare Reform, has been cheered as a stunning achievement of the Republican Congress and its Contract With America. The law helped to move millions of welfare recipients out of … [Read more...] about Unintended Consequences Of Welfare Reform
Time To Terminate Foreign-Language Ballots
Led by the two House Kings, Peter King (R-NY) and Steve King (R-IA), 56 House members are urging Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) to oppose the renewal of the section of the Voting Rights Act that mandates foreign-language … [Read more...] about Time To Terminate Foreign-Language Ballots
Can Congress Limit Federal Court Jurisdiction?
One of the Senators' lines of questioning of Judge Samuel Alito that lacked follow-up concerned the power of Congress to define the jurisdiction of federal courts. Anybody who has read the Constitution knows that Article III, Section 2 clearly … [Read more...] about Can Congress Limit Federal Court Jurisdiction?
Federal Incentives Make Children Fatherless
Why has Congress appropriated taxpayers' money to give perverse incentives that break up families and deprive children of their fathers? The built-in financial incentives in the current child-support system have expanded the tragedy of fatherless … [Read more...] about Federal Incentives Make Children Fatherless
Driver’s Licenses For Illegals?
The American public is overwhelmingly opposed to the granting of driver's licenses to illegal aliens, but the establishment, the media, and the pro-open-borders lobby are pulling out all the stops to defy the will of the people. This issue is … [Read more...] about Driver’s Licenses For Illegals?
Next We Should Starve The Courts
The courts so purposely humiliated Congress in the Terri Schiavo case that some Representatives are finally beginning to talk back. Unelected judges have flagrantly abused the legislative and executive functions of government for so many years that … [Read more...] about Next We Should Starve The Courts
Let’s Enforce Our Laws
The U.S. Constitution specifies that the President of the United States "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." Americans pride ourselves on being a nation of laws, not of men, so here are some suggestions for our government to … [Read more...] about Let’s Enforce Our Laws