For Immediate Release: March 16, 2021Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Washington, D.C.: "Phyllis Schlafly never shied away from the truth about VAWA," said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. "She knew it was based on … [Read more...] about House Should Oppose Corrupt VAWA
Pelosi Can’t Take the Truth: ERA is Dead
For Immediate Release: March 15, 2021Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Despite Federal Judges & DOJ, House Democrats Can't Accept ERA Battle is Over. Washington, D.C.: The Equal Rights Amendment was soundly rejected … [Read more...] about Pelosi Can’t Take the Truth: ERA is Dead
Garland is Confirmed but Not the Leader | 03.11.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Garland’s confirmed, but he's not a leader! Judge Merrick Garland is confirmed as Biden’s Attorney General of the United States. The people working right below him are Lisa Monaco, Vanita Gupta, and John Carlin (all former … [Read more...] about Garland is Confirmed but Not the Leader | 03.11.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Fake News is Destroying America | 03.09.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Fake News is destroying America! Over the weekend Fake news media covered stories like the censoring of Dr. Seuss, Megan and Harry’s interview, and the Viking that entered the Capitol building on Jan. 6th. What they failed to … [Read more...] about Fake News is Destroying America | 03.09.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Pelosi’s Electoral Power Grab | 03.06.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Nancy Pelosi is trying to seize control of our national elections. H.R. 1 (her number 1 priority) has two main thrusts: 1) no photo ID requirement in any election that involves the federal level and 2) no verification of U.S. … [Read more...] about Pelosi’s Electoral Power Grab | 03.06.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Start Cutting Spending on Colleges
*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly//March 2012* Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · March 4 | Start Cutting Spending on Colleges Here is a good idea for how Congress can make serious cuts in federal spending. Let's leave for another day the issue … [Read more...] about Start Cutting Spending on Colleges
GOP Thrives as Trump’s Party — February/March 2021
GOP Thrives as Trump’s Party The attempted coup against Trump as the leader of the Republican Party has failed, and the quest to purge his supporters has boomeranged against the elite. In state after state, local GOP groups cast unanimous … [Read more...] about GOP Thrives as Trump’s Party — February/March 2021
Two Huge Services to We the People | 02.24.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the two HUGE SERVICES to We the People: 1) the Clarence Thomas dissent that identifies how we need "confidence in the elections”. 2) and Patrick Byrne’s book Deep Rig raises many questions. We are being … [Read more...] about Two Huge Services to We the People | 02.24.2021 #ProAmericaReport
#WYNK: Capitol Insurrection Hoax is a Distraction
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Capitol Insurrection Hoax is a Distraction | February 20, 2021 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Capitol Insurrection Hoax is a Distraction
Nancy Pelosi’s Next Hoax | 02.19.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Nancy Pelosi is creating another hoax! Let’s define a hoax — A hoax is a lie told in such a way by big tech, big media, and big government as to assist in making it a truth. The two that are most noteworthy are 1) the Russia … [Read more...] about Nancy Pelosi’s Next Hoax | 02.19.2021 #ProAmericaReport