The passion for secrecy, which has prompted President Nixon and his White House aides to deny information and documents to Congressional committees and to the courts, is unfortunately not limited to Watergate. We now find that President Nixon and Dr. … [Read more...] about SECRECY/JOINT CHIEFS
A "big issue in the current Congressional session is the mystery of the lost 18 ½ minutes on that White House tape. Those lost minutes reflect on the President's credibility, and on his selection of advisers, but they are hardly a matter of national … [Read more...] about 18 ½ MINUTES/5 YEARS
For years, the appeasement-minded Senators have been assuring us that the Soviets will never fire their nuclear missiles at us because the United States has sufficient missiles to retaliate and destroy theSoviet Union. The plain fact is, however, … [Read more...] about TESTING MINUTEMEN
One of the strangest anomalies of the Nixon Administration is the way it violates all rules of politics by repeatedly offending its friends in a vain attempt to placate its enemies. Take, for example, the case of Governor Meldrim Thompson of New … [Read more...] about LEGAL SERVICES
When the House of Representatives recently voted 319 to 80 to bar loans and most-favored-nation status to the Soviet Union, it reflected the growing majority feeling of the American people who are fed up with the costly and dangerous policy of taxing … [Read more...] about NATIONAL PROTECTION ACT
The erratic "behavior of the Nixon Administration during the past few weeks, particularly in regard to the release of the Watergate tapes, has dismayed and disheartened many people. Indecision and hasty reversals of decisions have plunged the power … [Read more...] about RESTORING LEGISLATIVE POWER
Some 77 Senators and 285 Congressmen are co-sponsors of the Jackson-Vanik-Milis Amendment which would bar most-favored-nation tariff benefits to the Soviet Union. In the face of this clear Congressional intent, President Nixon met at the White House … [Read more...] about DEALS WITH FOREIGNERS
Excerpt from the September 1967 Phyllis Schlafly Report Before the Administration backed up on the Panama Canal treaties, we interviewed some Republican Senators. To our shock and amazement, we discovered that several did not intend to oppose the … [Read more...] about PSEUDO-REPUBLICANS