The ancient Roman emperors used circuses and games to divert the people from addressing themselves to the possibility of self-government. The last four American Presidents have given us manned space spectaculars to divert Congress and the voters … [Read more...] about Apollo-Soyuz
Solution for Unemployment
Our biggest problem today is not the energy shortage. It is the job shortage. More than nine million Americans are un employed, and their savings and unemployment benefits are running out fast. George Meany has been running large newspaper ads to … [Read more...] about Solution for Unemployment
Land Use Control
The land controllers are back again with retreads of last year's defeated bills. Congressman Morris Udall's Land Use and Resource Conservation Act of 1975 could prove to be the most damaging blow ever dealt to the American concept of private land … [Read more...] about Land Use Control
India’s Ingratitude
Of all the faults that poison human relationships, surely ingratitude is one of the most detestable. Shakespeare called it a "marble-hearted fiend" and pronounced it worse than "lying, vainness, or babbling drunkenness." For 25 years, the United … [Read more...] about India’s Ingratitude
There are two basic approaches to permitting people to partici pate in their government. The first, called functional representation, is based on the theory that society is made up of different constituencies, including labor, business, church, … [Read more...] about PARTY CONVENTION RULES
Silly and unsubstantiated charges have recently been leveled at Charlotte Reid, former U.S. Congresswoman from Illinois and now a Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission. With all the people in Washington who have been ·proven to be … [Read more...] about CHARLOTTE REID
Congresswoman Leonor K. Sullivan has just written a letter to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warning of a possible "Communist takeover" of the Panama Canal. She called for a breakoff in the present State Department treaty negotiations with Panama … [Read more...] about LEONOR SULLIVAN ON THE PANAMA CANAL
We all cheered when President Ford told us to support candidates, regardless of political party or ideology, ''who consistently vote to cut the cost of government, restrain Federal spending, and bring inflation under control." Not since President … [Read more...] about APPOINTMENT OF ROCKEFELLER
Congress passed the Housing Act of 1949 to the accompaniment of high-flown phrases about government’s duty to provide "a decent home and suitable living environment for every American family." The slogan "urban renewal" conjured up visions of … [Read more...] about FEDERAL HOUSING
The secret activities of the "plumbers" in breaking into the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist have been almost universally condemned. But if the "plumbers" had delayed their raid until 1974, it would have been legal under a new law which took … [Read more...] about THE PSRO ACT