Excerpts from the 2012 Republican Platform — September 2012
Excerpts from the 2012 Republican Platform Constitutional Government In a free society, the primary role of government is to protect the God-given, inalienable, inherent rights of its citizens, including the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit … [Read more...] about Excerpts from the 2012 Republican Platform — September 2012
Good and Bad Immigration Proposals
After a genuinely grassroots Republican platform committee produced a principled document on a plethora of issues, including immigration, some people who were not part of the process are promoting pro-amnesty proposals. Writing this week in … [Read more...] about Good and Bad Immigration Proposals
How the Government Breaks Up Marriages
A very public marital melodrama is now playing in San Francisco. It shows the idiocy of domestic violence laws and the extremism of the feminists whose ideology paints men as innate batterers and women as victims of the patriarchy. The target of … [Read more...] about How the Government Breaks Up Marriages
Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
To the surprise of the pundits, pollsters and predictors who think they are smarter than the rest of us, Ted Cruz won the nomination for U.S. Senator from Texas. A few months ago, he rated only 2 percent in the polls, but in the Primary Runoff he … [Read more...] about Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
Obama Sabotages Welfare Reform
President Obama on July 12 ended welfare reform, the crowning achievement of the Republican Congress of 1996. That reform succeeded in reducing the welfare rolls by almost half, and was so popular with the American people that Bill Clinton felt … [Read more...] about Obama Sabotages Welfare Reform
Education Reporter — August 2012
The NEA Shows Its Politics — August 2012
The NEA Shows Its Politics Political conversation on the media is full of chatter about how to cut spending and debt, but it reminds us of the comment attributed to Mark Twain: Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. … [Read more...] about The NEA Shows Its Politics — August 2012
The NEA Shows Its Politics
Political conversation on the media is full of chatter about how to cut spending and debt, but it reminds us of the comment attributed to Mark Twain: Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. There’s a lot of talk … [Read more...] about The NEA Shows Its Politics
UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities
The United Nations in collusion with Obama’s globalists have cooked up another scheme to slice off a piece of U.S. sovereignty and put us under global government. The plan is to stampede the Senate into ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights … [Read more...] about UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities