One Man's Money: Bill Gates, Education, and Common Core Bill Gates wrote in USA Today on February 12, 2014: "we're in the grip of mythology." He claims that the "myths" surrounding Common Core standards are "harmful, because they can lead people … [Read more...] about Education Reporter — April 2014
Worst Week for Abortion in 50 Years
Oh, how the tide has turned against abortion. Just last week there were three stunning setbacks to the pro-abortion movement. The first came Tuesday, March 25 during oral argument in the Hobby Lobby case before the U.S. Supreme Court. The left wing … [Read more...] about Worst Week for Abortion in 50 Years
What College Tuition Is Paying For — April 2014
Text: What College Tuition Is Paying For Confronting Campus Radicals David Horowitz thinks that anybody who cares about the future of America should confront the fact that U.S. colleges and universities are the fountainhead of financing for … [Read more...] about What College Tuition Is Paying For — April 2014
Victory for Honest Elections
A federal court in Kansas just rendered a much-needed decision against the federal government’s interference with state efforts to combat voter fraud. Kansas and Arizona won total support for their laws to stop voter registration by illegal … [Read more...] about Victory for Honest Elections
Obamacare Has to Go
The surprise victory of Republican David Jolly for a congressional seat in Florida has given new life to voters who had been depressed about the power of the Obama campaign machine. Even more surprising to the media was that Obamacare turned out to … [Read more...] about Obamacare Has to Go
The President’s Grab for Dictatorial Power
The United States is at “a constitutional tipping point” and “in the midst of a constitutional crisis.” Has President Barack Obama unilaterally overturned the constitutional framework of three branches that is the basis of our … [Read more...] about The President’s Grab for Dictatorial Power
Why Moms Are Protesting Common Core
One of the major reasons why Moms are vigorously opposing schools adopting the much ballyhooed Common Core standards is that they are tied to the gathering and storing of in-depth personal data about every child. The files are called longitudinal, … [Read more...] about Why Moms Are Protesting Common Core
Education Reporter — March 2014
Obama Core Is Another Power Grab — March 2014
Text: Obama Core Is Another Power Grab Americans were shocked at the dictatorial grab for power when Barack Obama threatened to change any law with his pen or phone, and even used that power to personally alter Obamacare and the Welfare law, … [Read more...] about Obama Core Is Another Power Grab — March 2014
National Takeover of School Curriculum
Many people said Ho-Hum when Barack Obama threatened to change any law with his pen or phone, and even used that power to personally alter Obamacare and the welfare law, and to “legislate” the Dream Act that Congress refused to pass. But … [Read more...] about National Takeover of School Curriculum