Thanksgiving is the most traditionally American holiday. Its observance was started by the Pilgrim Fathers 150 years before the founding of the United States. A Thanksgiving for abundant harvests is even more approprite in 1974 than ever before. … [Read more...] about THANKSGIVING & FOOD
New York City has recently developed a new problem a big rise in the number of vicious criminals who are only 12 to 16 years old. These adolescent criminals prey particularly on senior citizens -- those least able to defend themselves against … [Read more...] about YOUTH CRIME & SCHOOLS
It has become increasingly apparent that the Kissinger policies are plunging Israel down the drain to defeat and disaster. When President Harry Truman granted immediate U.S. recognition to the new state of Israel in 1948, he thereby announced to … [Read more...] about ISRAEL’S FUTURE
The responsiveness of Congress to grassroots opinion rather than to leftwing screams about "witch hunts" was clearly demonstrated by the overwhelming vote last month to continue the House Internal Security Committee as a separate entity. The House … [Read more...] about SUBVERSION IN U.S.
It was said of the Bourbon kings of France that they kept making the same mistakes because they never learned. The same comment might be made about the Republican Party. If there is anyone subject Republicans ought to be expert on, it should be … [Read more...] about 1974 ELECTION
Much as we all hate to pay taxes, most people do support a strict enforcement of the tax laws by the Internal Revenue Service. We are usually resentful when we discover that the very rich took enormous deductions or paid no tax at all. If we do not … [Read more...] about WELFARE CHEATERS
President Gerald Ford's veto of the amendments strengthening the Freedom of Information Act provides new proof that this All American football player is becoming the victim of a bureaucratic blitz, and that he is losing touch with the thinking of … [Read more...] about FREEDOM OF INFORMATION
The Arkansas Study On E.R.A. — November 1974
Dr. Kissinger’s Strange Question — November 1974
The Soviets have received Henry Kissinger in Moscow with something less than their previous eagerness to sign new agreements on strategic arms limitations. Some commentators have speculated that this is because the Kremlin is moving more cautiously … [Read more...] about THE ARMS RACE