The Ford Administration recently conceded that its amnesty program has been a spectacular failure because only one percent of the approximately 100,000 draft dodgers and deserters from the Vietnam War have turned themselves in and accepted the work … [Read more...] about FORD’S AMNESTY PROGRAM!
Just before gold went on sale in the United States for the first time in 40 years, Chairman Arthur Burns of the Federal Reserve System criticized those Americans who bought or planned to buy gold. He said that buying gold could divert dangerously … [Read more...] about DR. BURNS’ WARNINGS ON GOLD
When the Gallup Poll recently issued its annual list of the ten most-admired men and women, one striking fact emerged. Nine out of the ten most-admired men and all the ten most-admired women turned out to be either politicians or wives of … [Read more...] about GALLUP’S LIST
By a vote of 120 to 6, the United Nations General Assembly recently approved something called a "Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States." It would be more accurate to call it a Charter for Stealing Private Property. Sponsored by the … [Read more...] about UN-APPROVED EXPROPRIATION
There are two basic approaches to permitting people to partici pate in their government. The first, called functional representation, is based on the theory that society is made up of different constituencies, including labor, business, church, … [Read more...] about PARTY CONVENTION RULES
ERA Will Doom Fraternities and Sororities — January 1975
The West Virginia Textbook Case — January 1975
A welcome piece of good news recently came out of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare when Peter E. Holmes, Director of the Office of Civil Rights, announced that colleges and universities should henceforth in all cases hire the most … [Read more...] about REVERSE DISCRIMINATION
The year 1974 was one of our country's most newsworthy years - including the first resignation of a President and his succession by a President and Vice President who were not elected by the people. Yet, the event with the greatest potential for … [Read more...] about TEXTBOOKS & PARENTS
When U.S. Delegate to the United Nations John A. Scali delivered his remarkable speech lambasting what he called "the tyranny of the majority," he expressed the views of most Americans who are dismayed by the hypocrisy of the UN in welcoming the … [Read more...] about SCALI UN SPEECH