There is a certain group of Congressmen who have become super-solicitous about every dollar of defense expenditures. They are unwilling to accept the recommendations of our military experts, and require them to justify every weapon and explain every … [Read more...] about National Science Foundation
Corrupt Dictators
Former Vice President Ky of Vietnam, a has-been politician who hasn't been important for years even in his own country, dominated the American newscasts one day recently by issuing a statement in Guam charging that President Thieu was "corrupt." … [Read more...] about Corrupt Dictators
Job Preference
The unemployment rate has climbed to nearly nine percent, the highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The plain fact is that there are not enough jobs to go around. However, the economic hardship of unemployment does not fall equally on … [Read more...] about Job Preference
Vietnam Investigation
Many Americans are so emotionally exhausted by the tragic news of the Vietnam debacle that it is easy to accept the request of President Ford not to "engage in recriminations or attempts to assess blame." However, those who do not learn the lessons … [Read more...] about Vietnam Investigation
Kennedy Assassination
The Warren Commission appointed by President Lyndon Johnson to investigate the assassination of President John Kennedy, spent ten months working on its assignment, heard the testimony of 552 witnesses, and issued a report concluding that Lee Harvey … [Read more...] about Kennedy Assassination
How E.R.A. Will Hurt Men — May 1975
New Evidence on Marijuana — May 1975
The word "assassin" was originally derived from the Arabic word "hashshashin," which means eaters of hashish. This bit of etymology tells something about the world's practical experience with the de humanizing effect on those who use hashish, one of … [Read more...] about Marijuana
On April 1, Vietnam's Ambassador to the United States said sadly: "Probably it is safer to be an ally of the Communists, and it is fatal to be an ally of the United States." It took only 19 days to prove that statement was no April Fool's joke or … [Read more...] about Cambodia
Creeping Socialism?
During the Roosevelt and Truman years, Republican candidates used to hold forth on a subject called "Creeping Socialism." This was defined as the growth of big government, with higher and higher taxes, a bigger and bigger national debt, more and … [Read more...] about Creeping Socialism?