… [Read more...] about Double Standards About the First Amendment — July 1990
Playing Politics with the First Amendment
It looks like the start of a long, hot summer of politicians’ posturing about the First Amendment. It’s time we separate what is and what is not a First Amendment issue and take a look at the liberals’ double standards. The Supreme Court is up to … [Read more...] about Playing Politics with the First Amendment
Education Reporter — June 1990
Death Education Courses are a Tragedy
Of all the psychological experimentation that takes place in the public school classroom, courses in depth and dying are the strangest and often the most secret. A courageous father and mother in suburban Chicago, whose sone was a victim of one of … [Read more...] about Death Education Courses are a Tragedy
Comparable Worth Proven a Failure
The evidence is now in. The concept called “Comparable Worth” is as wrongheaded and counterproductive as critics predicted when this feminoid notion emerged in the late 1970s. It is a relic of the Big Brother extravagances of the LBJ Great Society … [Read more...] about Comparable Worth Proven a Failure
Observations on a Visit to Eastern Europe
On a visit to Eastern Europe last week, it was so refreshing to hear the Eastern Europeans speak out openly against Communism. They clearly understood, in a way that most Americans do not, that Communism itself is the enemy, not just the dictators … [Read more...] about Observations on a Visit to Eastern Europe
The Failure of Our Monopoly School System — June 1990
Conservatism is Alive and Innovative
Some reporters have been gleefully writing about what they call the coming conservative crack-up because, with the falling apart of Eastern Europe, conservatives have allegedly lost Communism as their number-one issue. This is just an example of the … [Read more...] about Conservatism is Alive and Innovative
Education Reporter — May 1990
It’s Not Maternity Leave at All
The news coverage about the Family and Medical Leave bill which passed the House last week was generally very misleading as far as communicating to the general public its real impact. Contrary to most assumptions, it is not a maternity bill at all; … [Read more...] about It’s Not Maternity Leave at All