Of all the “weeks” that are proclaimed by government or private organizations, the silliest is “Banned Book Week” announced each fall by the American Library Association (ALA). All over the country last week, conspiracy-minded librarians used … [Read more...] about Banned Books Week
The Scandal of Quest
Probably the most widely used drug education program in the public schools is Quest; its junior curriculum is called Skills for Adolescence, and its elementary curriculum is called Skills for Growing. Most parents would be shocked to discover that … [Read more...] about The Scandal of Quest
The NEA Declares War on Parents — October 1990
Spinning Our Wheels on Teen Pregnancies
So far as is known, no count has ever been made of the hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ dollars that are spent every year for the announced purpose of preventing teen pregnancies. The spending flows through schools and colleges, public health and … [Read more...] about Spinning Our Wheels on Teen Pregnancies
Education Reporter — September 1990
Beware of the Slime Duck Session
It’s beginning to look at though the game plan of the liberals is to reject any sort of budget summit compromise, keep the spigot of spending turned on through the election by a continuing resolution, and then call a lame duck session after the … [Read more...] about Beware of the Slime Duck Session
There Isn’t Any “Latchkey Crisis” After All
One of the arguments made by the liberals who seek to establish school-based daycare is the so-called crisis of “latchkey children.” Many bleeding-heart segments have appeared on television about the need to provide daycare for children who would … [Read more...] about There Isn’t Any “Latchkey Crisis” After All
News That Wasn’t Fit to Print
The New York Times recently carried a short obituary of Borris H. Klosson, age 71, who was identified in the headline as an “expert on the Soviet Union.” The six-inch obit detailed his lifetime career as an employee of the U.S. State Department, but … [Read more...] about News That Wasn’t Fit to Print
The Follies of the U.N. Treaty on Women — September 1990
Whose Side is Congress On?
The first week of August, the liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate indulged in some pacifist euphoria and voted to cripple our Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) by cutting out one-fourth of its money ($4.7 billion cut to $3.6 billion). After all, … [Read more...] about Whose Side is Congress On?