… [Read more...] about What’s Wrong With Women in Military Combat? — June 1991
Tax Fairness for Families
Taxation was the issue that provoked America’s Declaration of Independence and now, two centuries later, taxes are still the fundamental issue causing public disaffection with government. The right to spend. our own hard-earned money -- rather than … [Read more...] about Tax Fairness for Families
Education Reporter — May 1991
The Feminist Plan to Assign Women to Combat
The radical feminists pulled a fast one and the Congressmen were caught off guard. Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) presented what the Washington Post called “a surprise measure” to a closed meeting of the House Armed Services Committee and, on a voice … [Read more...] about The Feminist Plan to Assign Women to Combat
Does One Size Fit All?
One of the characters in ancient Greek mythology, Procrustes, invented the “one size fits all” mentality. He captured travelers and put them on an iron bed. If their legs were too long, he amputated them to fit; if they were too short, he would … [Read more...] about Does One Size Fit All?
How a Big City Was Destroyed
The addition of colored ink to the front page has enabled newspapers to report important information that might otherwise be obscure. A case in point is the maps on a recent front page of the St. Louis Post Dispatch illustrating the population shifts … [Read more...] about How a Big City Was Destroyed
Bush’s New Choice Initiative
The most welcome yet controversial feature of President Bush’s long-awaited education initiative is summed up in the word choice. In this century in America, children have been pawns in a monopoly system in which they must attend the school … [Read more...] about Bush’s New Choice Initiative
What Does School Choice Mean? — May 1991
Feminist Assault on VMI
For 150 years, Virginia Military Institute (VMI) has been conducting a unique style of education that graduates disciplined, honorable young men who are exemplary citizens and are ready to serve their country in time of war. It is a tough regimen … [Read more...] about Feminist Assault on VMI
Education Reporter — April 1991