Hour after hour, the Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee and the media commentators kept saying that Anita Hill “must be credible because she didn't have anything to gain" by making those sordid charges against Clarence Thomas. As Senator … [Read more...] about The Question of Motives
Education Reporter — October 1991
The Real Costs of Federal Mandates
If unemployment and the recession are our principal domestic problems (as television tells us every evening via the network news), then this is no time to place more restraints on business which will reduce jobs. But that's what the Senate tried to … [Read more...] about The Real Costs of Federal Mandates
Parental Victory in Colorado Public Schools
Parents of children in the Boulder Valley (Colorado) School District won a landmark victory in September when the superintendent mailed to every family a 17-page pamphlet entitled "Students' and Parents, Rights.tt The publication of this pamphlet … [Read more...] about Parental Victory in Colorado Public Schools
Exposing the Continuing Obscenities of the NEA
Three cheers for Jesse Helms! He made the U.S. Senators vote very specifically on how they are spending the taxpayers’ money. The refrain of an old popular song was probably ringing in their ears: “I didn’t wanna do it. I didn’t wanna do it.” It … [Read more...] about Exposing the Continuing Obscenities of the NEA
School Controversies Harm Education — October 1991
The Soviet Breakup Proves We Need SDI
If there ever were a time to move quickly to build and deploy our Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), that time is now. The breakup of the Soviet Union proves the need. During the three days of the coup last month, we didn’t know who controlled … [Read more...] about The Soviet Breakup Proves We Need SDI
Education Reporter — September 1991
Moving Forward with Choice in Education
President Bush has been encouraging business to get involved in education. The recent news that SAT scores dropped for the fourth straight year, and that verbal scores are now the lowest they have ever been, is only one more proof (if any were … [Read more...] about Moving Forward with Choice in Education
Wolf! Wolf! Censorship! Censorship!
Censorship is one of those buzz words that starts the adrenalin flowing. Like sex, it’s a word that arouses strong emotions, knee-jerk reactions, and animosities. Last week, Boris Yeltsin shut down the Communist propaganda sheet called Pravda, and … [Read more...] about Wolf! Wolf! Censorship! Censorship!