Managed Competition: Cui Bono?
Some new jargon is coming into the English language and you won't find the definitions in your dictionary. If you don't know what the new words and phrases mean, the game may be over before you know what the stakes are -- and it may be a matter of … [Read more...] about Managed Competition: Cui Bono?
D.C. Statehood is Unconstitutional
On August 22, 1978, I was present when the U.S. Senate by a two-thirds majority passed a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution to give Washington, D.C. representation in the Congress and in the election of the President and vice President “as … [Read more...] about D.C. Statehood is Unconstitutional
The Right to Choose – Your Doctor
Just as the Clinton campaign strategy was “the economy, stupid,” the first order of business of his administration is “health care reform, stupid.” The Clinton people have mothballed the slogan “national health insurance” because it sounds like … [Read more...] about The Right to Choose – Your Doctor
The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment — January 1993
U.N. Treaty Would Pit Child Against Parents
The Children's Defense Fund, the chief vehicle for those who want government to take over the raising of children, has a new goal under the Clinton Administration. Having failed to get Congress to pass the costly ABC daycare bill, the Fund is now … [Read more...] about U.N. Treaty Would Pit Child Against Parents
The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment
Just suppose that the so-called Religious Right placed one of its own as superintendent of the New York public school system, who then tried to install a curriculum disparaging homosexuality or depicting the “Ozzie and Harriet” family as society's … [Read more...] about The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment
Education Reporter — December 1992
The Medicare Mess
Now that I am a Medicare patient, I am learning all about what it means to have my health care provided for me by the Federal Government. I knew that, when I turned 65, I would be eligible for Medicare; what I have just discovered is that I have had … [Read more...] about The Medicare Mess
Women in Combat Commission Report
Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder and the militant feminists pitched Congress a curve ball when they demanded repeal of the laws that forbid the assignment of servicewomen to military combat. Congress bunted to a Presidential Commission and, after … [Read more...] about Women in Combat Commission Report