Even before her health care plan is ready to reveal to the public, Hillary Rodham Clinton has started her bare-knuckles campaign for a "revolution" in American health care. It's based on the customary Clinton tactics of class envy and of demonizing … [Read more...] about Saint Hillary Sets Out to Cure the World
Conspiring to Milk the Federal Treasury
Ever wonder why the more tax money we allow the politicians to take from us, the more they devise ingenious ways to spend still more? A good example is what's happening to Medicaid, the program intended to provide health care for poor people. … [Read more...] about Conspiring to Milk the Federal Treasury
Hillary, Health Care, and “Remolding” Government — June 1993
What’s Wrong with Outcome-Based Education?
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is sweeping the country in the name of school "restructuring," but it has parents even more agitated than they are about explicit sex education. OBE would bring about a complete change in the way children are taught, … [Read more...] about What’s Wrong with Outcome-Based Education?
Education Reporter — May 1993
Big Business Wants Bail-Out From Clinton
Chrysler is asking for higher taxes on all Americans in order to bail itself out of a jam. Walter Maher, Chrysler's chief lobbyist says, "Some sort of payroll tax as a way of financing health care for workers is appropriate." Chrysler isn't the … [Read more...] about Big Business Wants Bail-Out From Clinton
The Public is Deceived About Women in Combat
The Clinton Administration's announcement that women will be assigned to military combat was made on the same day that Ms. Magazine was doing a publicity stunt called "Take your daughter to work." That's the same kind of coincidence displayed by the … [Read more...] about The Public is Deceived About Women in Combat
The Easter Resurrection of the Republicans
A new day has dawned for Republicans. After being humiliated in the election last November, Republicans have come back to life. And it's such a surprise, not only to the Democrats and to the media, but even to the Republicans themselves. Nobody … [Read more...] about The Easter Resurrection of the Republicans
What’s Wrong With Outcome-Based Education? — May 1993
“Peace of Mind” is What it Isn’t
Let's suppose that millions of Americans are worried because they have no health insurance and are afraid of getting ill, and that millions more who do have health insurance are worried that they may lose their job and, with it, their company health … [Read more...] about “Peace of Mind” is What it Isn’t