… [Read more...] about Save Freedom — Defeat Phony Health “Reform” — July 1994
Schools Don’t Teach Children How to Write
It's official now. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) just issued its 1992 "Writing Report Card" based on extensive surveys of students who were asked to complete a variety of tasks requiring persuasive, informative, and narrative … [Read more...] about Schools Don’t Teach Children How to Write
Hillary Lite Is Really a Heavy
Bob Dole says he will be glad to let the November elections be a referendum on the employer mandates in Clinton's health care bill. So much, so good, because public opinion opposes mandates. But the Republican Senators' alternative is just as … [Read more...] about Hillary Lite Is Really a Heavy
Education Reporter — June 1994
A Constitutional Convention Is A Terrible Idea
Since the U.S. Senate failed to pass the Balanced Budget Amendment this year, some of its advocates are trying to bypass Congress and lobby state legislatures to pass resolutions calling for a national Constitutional Convention. That is a terrible … [Read more...] about A Constitutional Convention Is A Terrible Idea
World Trade Yes! World Government No!
Congress is expected to vote soon on whether or not to put the United States into a new World Trade Organization (WTO), a sort of Economic United Nations. Like NAFTA, the WTO agreement will bypass the clear requirement in the U.S. Constitution … [Read more...] about World Trade Yes! World Government No!
Turning U.S. Troops Over to UN Command
In the same week that the news media were preoccupied with Paula Jones filing her lawsuit, President Clinton signed a Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) asserting his authority "to place U.S. forces under the operational control of a foreign … [Read more...] about Turning U.S. Troops Over to UN Command
New World Order, Clinton-Style — June 1994
The Feminists’ Hypocrisy and Double Standards
Those who say Republican leaders should focus on the "real issues" instead of on the Clintons' scandals are correct. There is plenty to say about Clinton's proposed takeover of the health care industry, the impending federal takeover of the … [Read more...] about The Feminists’ Hypocrisy and Double Standards
Education Reporter — May 1994