If the election of a Republican Congress in 1994 meant anything significant, it meant that the American people want Big Government reduced and also want big changes in the way government spends the money it does have. The welfare bill is the acid … [Read more...] about Welfare Reform is the Acid Test
Let’s Abolish the Department of Education
Abolishing the Department of Education was one of Ronald Reagan's campaign promises when he ran for President in 1980. Fulfilling that promise is long overdue, and the time to do it is now. Education is not a department that has always been with … [Read more...] about Let’s Abolish the Department of Education
Education Reporter — August 1995
Anniversary of the Lifesaver Bomb
Ever since the Smithsonian Institution earlier this year tried to give us all a guilty conscience about the B-29 named Enola Gay, we've been inundated with a torrent of breastbeating about the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima. The 50th … [Read more...] about Anniversary of the Lifesaver Bomb
The Extremist NEA Sets Off Fireworks Again
The country's most powerful and influential union gathered in Minneapolis over the Fourth of July weekend and set off its own brand of fireworks. Some 8,544 delegates to the National Education Association's annual Convention approved its usual list … [Read more...] about The Extremist NEA Sets Off Fireworks Again
The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again — August 1995
The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again The people who control America's public schools gathered in Minneapolis over the Fourth of July weekend and set off their own brand of fireworks. Some 8,544 delegates to the National Education … [Read more...] about The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again — August 1995
Education Reform, Ted Kennedy-Style
Here's a multiple-choice question for you. Will the new conservative Republican majority in Congress (a) terminate federal functions for which there is no constitutional authority, e.g., education; (b) reduce the size of government by abolishing … [Read more...] about Education Reform, Ted Kennedy-Style
Look Who’s Peddling Conspiracy Theories
For those who always suspected that liberals are conspiracy-minded paranoiacs, proof is now available in the New York Times. A recent front-page news story details their fear of conservatives and of the democratic process, and also show-cases the … [Read more...] about Look Who’s Peddling Conspiracy Theories
Education Reporter — July 1995
Who’s Holding Up Welfare Reform?
Earlier this spring, the House passed a pretty good welfare reform bill, due largely to the perseverance of Rep. Jim Talent (R-MO). The Senate Finance Committee, however, has just watered down the reforms in the bill and downgraded its reference to … [Read more...] about Who’s Holding Up Welfare Reform?