The granting of this year's Nobel Peace Prize to the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, a long-moribund organization, and to one of its last remaining members, 86-year old Polish-born Joseph Rotblat, reveals the bias of the grantors. … [Read more...] about Perpetuating Pugwash Brainwash
Republicans Want Answers From Presidential Candidates
We can debate whether or not the media really tell us what to think, but they surely tell us what to think about. The 1996 presidential election is still almost a year away, but the media have been forcing us to think about it since the beginning of … [Read more...] about Republicans Want Answers From Presidential Candidates
Don’t Turn the Clock Back to Rockefeller Republicanism
Ever since the four-term phenomenon of Franklin D. Roosevelt, two very different factions have wrestled for control of the Republican Party. On the one hand are the grassroots Republicans, Main Street Americans, who labor in the precincts to elect … [Read more...] about Don’t Turn the Clock Back to Rockefeller Republicanism
Education Reporter — November 1995
Beware of Global Taxes for Global Entitlements
"It's not sustainable for member states to enjoy representation without taxation," Prime Minister John Major told the United Nations at its birthday celebration. He thought he was demonstrating British wit in making a play on the great slogan of the … [Read more...] about Beware of Global Taxes for Global Entitlements
What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
"No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other." So what master do U.S. servicemen serve: the U.S. Constitution or the United Nations Charter? The U.S. … [Read more...] about What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
The United Nations — An Enemy in Our Midst — November 1995
The United Nations — An Enemy in Our Midst The 50th Anniversary of the United Nations should be a cause for mourning not celebration. It is a monument to foolish hopes, embarrassing compromises, betrayal of our servicemen, and a steady … [Read more...] about The United Nations — An Enemy in Our Midst — November 1995
The UN’s 50th Anniversary
The 50th Anniversary of the United Nations should be a cause for mourning not celebration. It is a monument to foolish hopes, embarrassing compromises, betrayal of our servicemen, and a steady stream of insults to our nation. It is a Trojan Horse … [Read more...] about The UN’s 50th Anniversary
English Should Be Our Official Language
How do we make Americans out of people who come here from so many other continents and cultures? Surely the best, quickest, most obvious, and most efficient way is to teach them to speak English. The English language is the admission ticket to our … [Read more...] about English Should Be Our Official Language
Education Reporter — October 1995