Reform Starts with Cutting the Cash Flow
You can bet that the Clinton Administration will use the substitution of another African, Kofi Annan, for Boutros Boutros-Ghali as UN Secretary General as an excuse to try to bamboozle Congress to pony up a extra billion dollars in … [Read more...] about Reform Starts with Cutting the Cash Flow
Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! — January 1997
Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! Cut Off Handouts to the UN The Clinton Administration is trying to bamboozle Congress to pony up a extra billion dollars in handouts to the United Nations. Congress should … [Read more...] about Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! — January 1997
Medicalization of the Public Schools
Indonesians aren't the only billionaires covertly spending big bucks to influence public policy. There is just as big a scandal brewing about private foundations. Unbeknownst to the American public, several billionaire … [Read more...] about Medicalization of the Public Schools
President Clinton Is Embarrassed
It's difficult to embarrass President Clinton. He isn't embarrassed by the Paula Jones lawsuit, or the illegal Indonesian and Korean campaign donations, or the misuse of FBI files, or the criminal convictions of his closest … [Read more...] about President Clinton Is Embarrassed
The Phony Cries of “Censorship”
If the education establishment wants to know why public schools don't get much respect from our citizenry, they need look no further than an Op-Ed editorial in last week's New York Times. This prestigious newspaper donated an expensive … [Read more...] about The Phony Cries of “Censorship”
What Caused the Gender Gap?
Republican politicians are wringing their hands over the gaping gender gap exposed in the November 5 election. A big double-digit spread separated the votes of men and women for Republican versus Democratic candidates. … [Read more...] about What Caused the Gender Gap?
Feminist Assault on Reasonableness — December 1996
Feminist Assault on Reasonableness Twenty years after women began attending law schools in greater numbers, feminists are turning up as law school professors, law review writers, state legislators, congressional staffers, prosecutors, law … [Read more...] about Feminist Assault on Reasonableness — December 1996
The Alger Hiss Fallout on Politics
The 1950 conviction of Alger Hiss for perjury in denying that he was a Communist spy was a seminal event in American politics. It is difficult to name any other trial that had such a widespread effect on American politics, even including the … [Read more...] about The Alger Hiss Fallout on Politics
Why Was Voter Turnout So Low?
Less than half of eligible voters cast their ballots on November 5. Voter turnout hasn't been that low since 1924. Should we blame the American people for not doing their civic duty, or the media for not giving adequate coverage to stimulate us … [Read more...] about Why Was Voter Turnout So Low?