Fifteen years ago, ladies in redhalted the equal rights amendment.A conservative leader gleefully Phyllis Schlafly Happy homemaker: Phyllis Schlafly withGOP senators Jesse Helms andOrrin Hatch during the stop ERA fight. A giant … [Read more...] about BEATING THE BRA BURNERS
What’s Going on in the Schoolhouse? — June 1997
What's Going on in the Schoolhouse? President Clinton has been bragging that the current budget deal, agreed to by the Republican Congress headed by Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott, includes the largest increase in federal … [Read more...] about What’s Going on in the Schoolhouse? — June 1997
The Ultimate Reading List – Classics That Endure
Phyllis Schlafly wrote of her successful phonics training system: "My book First Reader was published in 1994 and has been used to teach tens of thousands o f children to read. The hundreds of testimonials I received from parents who used First … [Read more...] about The Ultimate Reading List – Classics That Endure
How K-III Communications Buys a Captive Audience
When people watch television, they certainly are at liberty to channel-surf during the commercials or to use that time to get refreshments or go to the bathroom. How would you feel if the government mandated that you must watch every … [Read more...] about How K-III Communications Buys a Captive Audience
Why the Push for Federal Control of the Classroom?
The same Hillary Rodham Clinton/Marc Tucker/Ira Magaziner/Robert Reich legislation to merge the functions of the Departments of Education and Labor, which Congress declined to pass last year, is back under a new label and rushing to a House vote … [Read more...] about Why the Push for Federal Control of the Classroom?
The Patent Fight Gets Ugly
The House rejected the major provisions of the Howard Coble (R-NC) Patent bill, H.R.400, on April 24 by adopting the Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) amendment 220 to 193. But diehard H.R.400 supporters are letting it be known that they plan to circumvent the … [Read more...] about The Patent Fight Gets Ugly
Education Reporter — May 1997
The Fakery Of “America Reads”
Colin Powell says that America has 15 million at-risk youths, and he has launched a massive national campaign of volunteerism to help them. We sincerely hope that some generous-spirited volunteers can make a difference in the lives of some of these … [Read more...] about The Fakery Of “America Reads”
Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! — May 1997
Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! One of our most important constitutional rights is the right of inventors to have, for limited times, "the exclusive right to their . . . discoveries." This uniquely American … [Read more...] about Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! — May 1997
Uncovering Voter Frauds in a Senate Election
The Senate is finally facing up to the biggest of all the many scandals about last November's elections: the stuffing of the ballot box with fraudulent and paid "votes." The Senate Rules Committee just ordered a full investigation of Mary Landrieu's … [Read more...] about Uncovering Voter Frauds in a Senate Election