The high-priced lobbyists for the big multinationals are crawling all over Capitol Hill this month to urge passage of Senator Orrin Hatch's bill, S.507. It is called the Omnibus Patent bill, but it ought to be called the Ominous Patent bill because … [Read more...] about The Ominous Attack on American Inventors
Education Reporter — March 1998
Clinton Is Selling Us down the Rivers
Can you believe the chutzpa of Clinton? Without any constitutional or Congressional authority, he is proceeding with a vast plan for the federal bureaucracy to take over our nation's rivers and their adjacent lands. Of course, this grab for power … [Read more...] about Clinton Is Selling Us down the Rivers
The Ominous Attack on American Inventors — March 1998
The Ominous Attack on American Inventors The high-priced lobbyists for the big multinationals are crawling all over Capitol Hill this month to urge passage of Senator Orrin Hatch's bill, S.507. It is called the Omnibus Patent bill, but it ought to … [Read more...] about The Ominous Attack on American Inventors — March 1998
California Heads for Real Campaign Finance Reform
Trend-setting California is about to show us real campaign finance reform. On June 2, Californians will vote on the Campaign Reform Initiative (CRI), also called the Paycheck Protection Plan, which, if passed, will prohibit monies from being … [Read more...] about California Heads for Real Campaign Finance Reform
Explaining Clinton’s High Poll Numbers
It's obvious from the torrent of news stories and TV talking heads that no one in the media, not even his friends, believes Bill Clinton's denials that he had an improper relationship with Monica Lewinsky. The pleas of his friends to come forward and … [Read more...] about Explaining Clinton’s High Poll Numbers
Will We Allow Clinton to Redefine the Presidency?
The current Clinton crisis has significance far beyond his lame-duck years. At stake is whether the White House will become a public relations vehicle for lying and polling, akin to a television show, or will remain a platform for the principled … [Read more...] about Will We Allow Clinton to Redefine the Presidency?
Education Reporter — February 1998
Watch out for Marriage Tax “Reform”
"The hottest tax cut in 1998" is the way some Congressmen are describing their infatuation with the notion of eliminating the so-called "marriage tax." But taxpayers should beware of the current political passion for targeted tax cuts rather than … [Read more...] about Watch out for Marriage Tax “Reform”
It’s Time to Have Real Tax Cuts — February 1998
It's Time to Have Real Tax Cuts At last somebody in government has stepped out from the crowd and said what Americans have been waiting to hear, namely, that he has a plan to cut and simplify our oppressive tax burden and let us spend our own money … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Have Real Tax Cuts — February 1998