Republicans should look at the cheerful side of the 1998 election. It was really a great victory because it has enabled Republican Members of Congress to dump their so-called "leadership" that has been floundering with one failed strategy after … [Read more...] about Republicans Should Put on a Happy Face
ABM Should Be Republicans’ Unifying Issue
Now that the hyperbole of the political campaign is behind us, the Republican Congress should buckle down to the business of doing its constitutional duty to provide for the common defense. In the post-Cold War era, Republicans have been seeking a … [Read more...] about ABM Should Be Republicans’ Unifying Issue
Education Reporter — November 1998
The Costs of Trading in the Global Economy
The radio ads that I heard every morning during most of the Clinton years urging me to invest in the "global economy" have disappeared from the airwaves. It's now clear that "global economy" is a euphemism for transferring American tax dollars and … [Read more...] about The Costs of Trading in the Global Economy
What College Tuition and Fees Are Paying For! — November 1998
What College Tuition and Fees Are Paying For! Court Deals Blow to Mandatory Fees The decision in Southworth v. Grebe, handed down recently by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, didn't make it onto national television, but it can have a … [Read more...] about What College Tuition and Fees Are Paying For! — November 1998
Court Deals Blow to Mandatory College Fees
The decision in Southworth v. Grebe, handed down recently by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, didn't make it onto national television, but it can have a profound effect on American culture and politics. The court held that it is a … [Read more...] about Court Deals Blow to Mandatory College Fees
Compulsory Medical Treatment Is Un-American
Why are American infants and schoolchildren being forced to submit to hepatitis B vaccinations even though the French Health Ministry has stopped giving them because of evidence they can cause neurological disorders and multiple sclerosis? Has … [Read more...] about Compulsory Medical Treatment Is Un-American
Fed Bailout Requires Full Investigation
At the same time that Bill Clinton and his economic aides are demanding billions more for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Federal Reserve arranged for a $3.65 billion bailout of its friends in an investment group running a ""hedge fund'' … [Read more...] about Fed Bailout Requires Full Investigation
Education Reporter — October 1998
House Passes Dollars to the Classroom Act
Despite distractions, the House has just done something really constructive, and we hope the Senate will follow suit before adjournment. The House passed Rep. Joe Pitts' (R-PA) Dollars to the Classroom Act consolidating 31 federal education programs … [Read more...] about House Passes Dollars to the Classroom Act