National Issues Candidates Should Address The Risk of Remaining Undefended Candidate Al Gore's favorite word is "risky." If George W. Bush calls for a tax cut, Gore calls it a risky tax cut. When Bush makes any proposal, whether on … [Read more...] about National Issues Candidates Should Address — May 2000
Will Congress Kowtow To Communist China?
President Clinton's Chinese benefactors and the multinational importers are demanding that he bully Congress into continuing China's Most Favored Nation (MFN) trading status, already renamed Normal Trade Relations (NTR). Now the plan is to grease … [Read more...] about Will Congress Kowtow To Communist China?
Are Schoolchildren For Sale to Advertisers?
Corporate advertisers know that their television audience is dwindling rapidly. It used to be so easy to market their products to tens of millions in neat 30-second segments efficiently placed on the three major TV networks. The networks have been … [Read more...] about Are Schoolchildren For Sale to Advertisers?
Education Reform? The Devil’s in the Details
Congress is about to pass legislation that will federalize every local school district and spell the end of local and state control of America's public school classrooms. Mindful of Ronald Reagan's words, "You can't control the economy without … [Read more...] about Education Reform? The Devil’s in the Details
Education Reporter — April 2000
What’s Different About Census 2000?
The U.S. Constitution requires Congress to make an "actual enumeration" of the American people every ten years, and for two centuries the exercise of this power has caused little controversy. This year's census taking, however, is seen by many as a … [Read more...] about What’s Different About Census 2000?
Why the Public Schools Are Being Federalized — April 2000
Why the Public Schools Are Being Federalized Congress is about to pass legislation that will federalize every local school district and spell the end of local and state control of America's public school classrooms. Mindful of … [Read more...] about Why the Public Schools Are Being Federalized — April 2000
Parents, Are You Ready To Teach Your Kids Arithmetic?
Parents are starting to realize that "fuzzy" math courses (variously called "whole math," "new math" or "new new math") are producing kids who can't do arithmetic, much less algebra. The U.S. Department of Education responded last October by … [Read more...] about Parents, Are You Ready To Teach Your Kids Arithmetic?
Where Will The McCain Voters Go?
When the presidential campaign got underway this year, the media were eagerly anticipating the prospect of a moderate on each ticket to challenge the two parties' anointed nominees. The contest might even maintain the high ratings of last year's … [Read more...] about Where Will The McCain Voters Go?
Human Chop Shops Exposed
Have you ever wanted to buy the brain of an eight-week-old baby? You can, for $999. Did you ever think you'd want a baby's eyes or liver or gonads? Yours, for $75, $150 or $550 respectively. Does that seem like a sick joke posted on eBay? Sadly, … [Read more...] about Human Chop Shops Exposed