Republicans in Congress will soon have the opportunity to prove whether they do the bidding of their corporate contributors or side with their hardworking voters. The corporations are lobbying to extend the Clinton Administration law that raised the … [Read more...] about H-1B Visas Cost American Jobs
Who Pays for Feminist Policies? — May 2003
Who Pays for Feminist Policies? The face of war is never pretty, but this time war showed us images we have never seen before. We saw pictures of mothers being sent to Iraq to fight one of the cruelest regimes in the world. What is the … [Read more...] about Who Pays for Feminist Policies? — May 2003
Does The Military Have The Nerve To Celebrate Mother’s Day?
The face of war is never pretty, but this time war showed us images we have never seen before. We saw pictures of mothers being sent to Iraq to fight one of the cruelest regimes in the world. What is the matter with the men of this country -- our … [Read more...] about Does The Military Have The Nerve To Celebrate Mother’s Day?
Zero Tolerance Or Zero Common Sense?
Parents are laughing at the intolerance of the zero tolerance rules that have been instituted in so many public schools. Laughing, that is, unless it is their own sons who are victimized by policies that seem to lack common sense. It's a serious … [Read more...] about Zero Tolerance Or Zero Common Sense?
Suggestions For The Republican Survey
The National Republican Congressional Committee has just mailed a survey to a select list of grassroots Republicans soliciting their opinions on "issues of greatest concern" so that the Party can be strengthened "by getting more … [Read more...] about Suggestions For The Republican Survey
Who Pays For Feminist Ideology?
The simultaneous news coverage of our war in Iraq and the Air Force Academy rape scandal exposes again the double standards and hypocrisies of the feminists. They loudly complain about sexual harassment by American men, but if it's done by … [Read more...] about Who Pays For Feminist Ideology?
Education Reporter — April 2003
What College Catalogs Don’t Reveal
The catalogs and magazines from colleges and universities are impressive: slick paper, full color, attractive layout, lots to read. But several items of useful information are usually missing. Getting a bachelor's degree now takes five or six … [Read more...] about What College Catalogs Don’t Reveal
Thought Control Replaces Academic Freedom — April 2003
Thought Control Replaces Academic Freedom Gone are the days when academic freedom was the watchword of college campuses. Today, thought control is the dominant theology on campuses, often hiding behind the mantras of … [Read more...] about Thought Control Replaces Academic Freedom — April 2003
Thought Control Replaces Academic Freedom
Gone are the days when academic freedom was the watchword of college campuses. Today, thought control is the dominant theology on campuses, often hiding behind the mantras of diversity and multiculturalism. The American Enterprise magazine's … [Read more...] about Thought Control Replaces Academic Freedom