Looking at Some 2004 Election Issues Are there things about our country and our culture you want to change? Activist judges? Same-sex marriage? Protecting the Pledge of Allegiance? Political bias in universities? Public … [Read more...] about Looking at Some 2004 Election Issues — February 2004
How The Democrats Plan To Win In 2004
Despite George W. Bush's high poll numbers, the Democrats think they have the key to winning the 2004 elections. Get the votes of convicted felons. Don't laugh; the Democrats are deadly serious. The nation's four million convicted felons … [Read more...] about How The Democrats Plan To Win In 2004
Amnesty By Any Other Name
When President Bush unveiled his “temporary foreign workers” plan, he got cheers from his carefully selected invitees in the East Room of the White House, but he's getting jeers from everyone else from Rep. Tom Tancredo to Senator Ted … [Read more...] about Amnesty By Any Other Name
Confronting The Campus Radicals
David Horowitz thinks that anybody who cares about the future of America should confront the fact that U.S. colleges and universities are the fountainhead of financing for the radical movement in America. He has personally taken up the challenge to … [Read more...] about Confronting The Campus Radicals
Another CBS Travesty
CBS paid big bucks for the television rights to come into the living rooms of 100 million Americans on Super Bowl Sunday. But public response to the thrilling last moments of a truly exciting football game may be overwhelmed by public disgust at … [Read more...] about Another CBS Travesty
Education Reporter — January 2004
Does Tom Ridge Believe in the Rule of Law?
Were Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's Miami meanderings (a) a gaffe, (b) a trial balloon, (c) an announcement of his department's policy, or (d) an announcement of Bush Administration policy? We are entitled to know the answer to that … [Read more...] about Does Tom Ridge Believe in the Rule of Law?
Amnesty Isn’t ‘Reform’ – It’s Open Borders — January 2004
Amnesty Isn't 'Reform' — It's Open Borders When President Bush unveiled his "temporary foreign workers" plan, he got cheers from his carefully selected invitees in the East Room of the White House, but he's getting jeers … [Read more...] about Amnesty Isn’t ‘Reform’ – It’s Open Borders — January 2004
Mona Lisa Isn’t Smiling
Another feminist propaganda movie hit the theaters during the Christmas season, proving again that the feminists are an unhappy bunch whose lifestyle leads to loneliness. The heroine of "Mona Lisa Smile," Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts), … [Read more...] about Mona Lisa Isn’t Smiling
Will Massachusetts Abolish Marriage?
How many legs does a dog have if you call its tail a leg? That familiar fable, often attributed to Abe Lincoln, comes to mind when we contemplate the redefinition of marriage by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. In a 4-3 decision released … [Read more...] about Will Massachusetts Abolish Marriage?