The purpose of this research project into the Phyllis Schlafly Report has been to see how Phyllis Schlafly’s flagship publication has been right on the issues for fifty years and how the same strategies she was using thirty, forty, and fifty … [Read more...] about Defending the “Doctrine for All Seasons”
From Passionate Patriot to “Intelligent Candidate”
The mainstream media and mainstream culture have a way of making candidates think they know what the people want. However, knowing what people actually want is an art form that very few people have actually mastered. The most obvious contemporary … [Read more...] about From Passionate Patriot to “Intelligent Candidate”
Giving Real “Choice” In Education
Conservatives are given a lot of bad press for being “anti-choice” but they are actually much more in favor of real choice than their liberal counterparts. Of course, I am not talking about the “choice” to murder unborn … [Read more...] about Giving Real “Choice” In Education
“Awakening Parents” On Education Rights
Throughout the years, the Phyllis Schlafly Report has been more than a source of conservative commentary and talking points. To a great extent, the purpose of the PSR has also been to be a source of facts that Americans could not find anywhere else. … [Read more...] about “Awakening Parents” On Education Rights
The “Constitutional Crisis” of Con Con
Author’s Note: Scroll to the very bottom of the page to view the special color-printed 18th Anniversary Edition of the Phyllis Schlafly Report. When it comes to a function of the Constitution which has not been attempted, imagery is an … [Read more...] about The “Constitutional Crisis” of Con Con
Choosing Between ‘Fear or Freedom’
You may recall that last week’s article dealt with how President Ronald Reagan skillfully overcame media bias by making direct televised appeals to the American people. No other appeal could compare to President Reagan’s televised address … [Read more...] about Choosing Between ‘Fear or Freedom’
Unmasking the “Opinion-Makers”
Most people will tell you that you should not blame the messenger, but Donald Trump is quickly proving that adage to be false in one very important case. The messengers known as the mainstream media have certainly done a lot to deserve the blame they … [Read more...] about Unmasking the “Opinion-Makers”
Producing the “Productivity State”
As President Trump pushes for his recently-released tax reform plan, it is the perfect time to take a second look at the July 1981 Phyllis Schlafly Report. Entitled “The Rightness of Reaganomics,” this article is a wonderfully clear … [Read more...] about Producing the “Productivity State”
The Phyllis Schlafly Fundamentals of Citizen Participation in Politics
The stakes of the 1980 presidential election could not have been higher. Without a doubt, the two parties stood in stark contrast with incumbent president Jimmy Carter for the Democrats and popular California Governor Ronald Reagan for the … [Read more...] about The Phyllis Schlafly Fundamentals of Citizen Participation in Politics
Defeating the “Dignity Tax”
Tax policy and social security might not have the same draw to Americans that other issues have. When the “social” issues come up, such as abortion and marriage, many conservatives are much more quick to voice their opinions. Likewise, … [Read more...] about Defeating the “Dignity Tax”