The essence of judicial supremacy is the idea that an individual or small group of unelected lawyers could unilaterally decide to change the law against all precedent and the will of the American people. That idea is not only dangerous to … [Read more...] about America Prevails Over ‘the Lawsuit to Censor God’
Judicial Supremacy and the ‘Anti-Marriage Campaign’
The extensive archive of the Phyllis Schlafly Report spanning more than fifty years provides a detailed directory of Phyllis Schlafly’s policy positions and predictions throughout decades of time. One of those predictions came in December 2003 … [Read more...] about Judicial Supremacy and the ‘Anti-Marriage Campaign’
The Man Who Made ‘Our Unique American Holiday’
It goes without saying that we Americans have a lot to be thankful for. For starters, we live in the greatest nation on the planet. Let’s also not forget that we enjoy the freedom and liberty secured in our unprecedented United States Constitution. … [Read more...] about The Man Who Made ‘Our Unique American Holiday’
Remembering An ‘Act of War’
Years before Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and days before the horrific attacks on American soil known as 9/11, the September 2001 Phyllis Schlafly Report went to press warning Americans of the dangers of being soft on the issue of … [Read more...] about Remembering An ‘Act of War’
A ‘Slick Media Event’ Shrouds the Facts on Guns
When a Clinton-backed group called the Million Moms March tried to use the gimmick of mothers distraught by children’s access to guns, the true voice of America’s mothers could not help but speak up. Cutting through the deception and misinformation … [Read more...] about A ‘Slick Media Event’ Shrouds the Facts on Guns
‘Fed Up’ With Clinton Hypocrisy
If there is one phrase to describe Americans today, it would be the phrase “fed up.” After two terms of a liberal president who lies to the American people and apologizes to every nation for our being the best nation in history, we want a … [Read more...] about ‘Fed Up’ With Clinton Hypocrisy
Looking Back To The ‘Government of Tomorrow’
One of Phyllis Schlafly’s greatest strengths was her ability to work on an array of issues at one time. Many public policy organizations, though great allies of the conservative movement, pick a specific issue to monitor and promote. Phyllis … [Read more...] about Looking Back To The ‘Government of Tomorrow’
The Unknown Clause That Caused ‘A Tremendous Explosion of Human Energy’
America has long been a haven of innovation in the free market. American inventors through the years have looked to Article I Section 8 of our U.S. Constitution and its protection of their “exclusive Right to their respective Writings and … [Read more...] about The Unknown Clause That Caused ‘A Tremendous Explosion of Human Energy’
Feminists Care About ‘Only the Feminists’
The success of President Trump’s campaign could be summed up by a single statement from his inaugural address: “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now.” Liberals claim to speak for … [Read more...] about Feminists Care About ‘Only the Feminists’
Ending ‘Divisive and Wasteful’ Rhetoric
As a result of his pro-America positions and strong leadership, President Trump has been given all manner of bad labels, including racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, and so many more. His rhetoric is labeled as incendiary, hateful, and patently false. … [Read more...] about Ending ‘Divisive and Wasteful’ Rhetoric