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Pardon Shuts Down Judicial Activism
In pardoning Sheriff Joe Arpaio, President Trump illustrated why he is a cut above other politicians. Without waiting for judicial activism to drag on for years in the Ninth Circuit, Trump used his constitutional authority to stop the long-running … [Read more...] about Pardon Shuts Down Judicial Activism
‘Where Does It Stop?’
“Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments,” President Trump tweeted last week. “You can’t change history, but you can learn from it. … [Read more...] about ‘Where Does It Stop?’
The Myths of ‘Diversity’
The world’s fastest human, Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, retired last week from the sport of track and field. He won multiple gold medals in three consecutive Olympic games, setting world records in both the 100-meter and 200-meter … [Read more...] about The Myths of ‘Diversity’
Chicago Leads the Resistance
With a rising level of violence and urban decay plaguing Chicago, you’d think Mayor Rahm Emanuel would be working overtime to police his city. More than 400 homicides have been recorded there so far this year, more than New York and Los Angeles … [Read more...] about Chicago Leads the Resistance
Amid Staff Changes, the Trump Train Rolls On
During a week in which the media were obsessed with reporting on a handful of personnel changes among the White House staff, the Trump administration moved forward on several fronts to implement policies the president campaigned on. Here are some … [Read more...] about Amid Staff Changes, the Trump Train Rolls On
1967-2017: The Phyllis Schlafly Report Celebrates Fifty Years of Continuous Monthly Publication — August 2017
‘The Mooch’ Shakes Up Washington
“The Mooch,” as everyone calls President Trump’s new communications director Anthony Scaramucci, is a brilliant hire by Trump to reassert his authority in a fractious White House. In merely a few days, the charismatic but tough-talking Scaramucci has … [Read more...] about ‘The Mooch’ Shakes Up Washington
Derrick and Orrick’s One-Two Punch Against Trump
A new duo of Derrick and Orrick, whose names remind us of Shakespeare's Yorick as well as Barack, the president who appointed them, delivered a one-two punch against President Trump last week. Federal District Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii … [Read more...] about Derrick and Orrick’s One-Two Punch Against Trump
Can Trump Save Western Civilization?
Can Western civilization survive? Does it even still exist? Liberal intellectuals have already consigned that term to the proverbial “ash heap of history” along with such ailments as racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and colonialism. The … [Read more...] about Can Trump Save Western Civilization?