Recently, a group of scientists in the United Kingdom made international headlines by releasing a study of 20,000 families and it had some less-than-politically correct findings. The study concluded that children whose mothers work outside the home … [Read more...] about Does Feminism Cause Obesity?
Ed Martin Movement – 5/29/19
In What You Need to Know, Mueller speaks and America loses. Lawyer Thomas Farnan talks about how Global Elites Started the Russia Nonsense. After weeks of silence, Netflix is now threatening Georgia over the Heartbeat Bill. John Schlafly … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 5/29/19
Ed Martin Movement – 5/28/19
In What You Need to Know, Facebook, Big Tech, and the Fake News media will distract and spin as much as they can to keep you from seeing the truth. Raheem Kassam of Human Events joins me to help us sort out the EU Election Results and … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 5/28/19
“Pack The Court” Targets Those Who Are Packing
When you think of America, what do you think of? If you are like most Americans, the first images that pop into your mind are of baseball, apple pie, Independence Day, and maybe a good cheeseburger. While all of those things are great hallmarks of … [Read more...] about “Pack The Court” Targets Those Who Are Packing
VAWA is Anti-Family
As you might expect, liberal women are trying their very hardest to make the new so-called Violence Against Women Act a women’s issue. Statistics show intimate partner violence against men is comparable in frequency to violence against women. That … [Read more...] about VAWA is Anti-Family
The Man Who Made Memorial Day
You probably already know today is Memorial Day in the United States, a day set aside to honor those who have paid the ultimate price for the freedom you and I enjoy. What you may not know is the incredible legacy of the man who was victorious in the … [Read more...] about The Man Who Made Memorial Day
Ed Martin Movement – 5/24/19
In What You Need to Know, the Hunger Games plan? Trump floats decentralizing federal agency offices! Steve Mosher talks about how China’s ‘social credit system’ is straight out of a dystopian nightmare. Typhus in LA? Why? Ask the … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 5/24/19
Ed Martin Movement – 5/23/19
In What You Need to Know, the Trump Wave for the European Union starts TODAY. More charades from Pelosi today, but Americans are done with charades and ready for some real work. An ode to Dr. Ben Carson — the left may dig on his low … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 5/23/19
A True Renaissance In Europe
The principle behind President Trump’s America First policies does not stop at our borders. The world is a better place for everyone when nations govern in the interests of their own people. The people of Europe have had an awakening to the noble … [Read more...] about A True Renaissance In Europe
Ed Martin Movement – 5/22/19
In What You Need to Know, the RNC should censure Rep. Justin Amash. John Schlafly joins us for the #SchlaflyReport, this week on The Battle for Pennsylvania Begins. John stays over to talk about patents and intellectual property, as well as … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 5/22/19