What You Need to Know is impeachment is a distraction — a shiny object. The real story is the Civil War within and implosion of the Democratic Party. The new left radical socialists — are gunning for Biden and the old guard. Hillary, Biden, … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/23/20
Not Afraid
Evil takes many forms in this world, but it is especially sad when efforts to stop evil are thwarted by people in authority. Maybe saddest of all is when people are unwilling to call out evil for what it is because of political correctness. I am not … [Read more...] about Not Afraid
The Ed Martin Movement 1/22/20
What You Need to Know is this impeachment is a shame. It’s dragging a great institution and our great republic through the muck. BUT while we watch this stupidity, we are being over run - we are losing our nation. Immigration is still the most … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/22/20
The Ed Martin Movement 1/21/20
What You Need to Know is this impeachment is an act of political revenge. It’s not based on the Constitution, facts, or the law — it’s pure political revenge. The good news: looks like Republicans are sticking together. Even IF everything Dems … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/21/20
What Would The Equal Rights Amendment Do About Abortion?
Proponents of the Equal Rights Amendment claim it’s all about giving women equal standing to men under the law. It sounds very poetic if you just listen to their rhetoric. However, as with so much else that the left does, their rhetoric is just that: … [Read more...] about What Would The Equal Rights Amendment Do About Abortion?
The Ed Martin Movement 1/20/20
Andrea Kaye talks about the Senate and Trump’s impeachment trial. What You Need to Know is the media is trying to protect Biden by attacking Trump’s wealth, but it’s a lie. Trump and his company have lost billions since he took office. The … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/20/20
Trump Backs The Troops With Pardoning Power
The Constitution expressly grants the authority to the president to issue pardons. This power has been repeatedly invoked by presidents beginning with George Washington. Far be it from the Deep State to let little things like the Constitution and … [Read more...] about Trump Backs The Troops With Pardoning Power
America’s Pastime In The People’s House
Trump continued a presidential tradition by inviting the world champion Washington Nationals to the White House. Trump got to see the victorious Nats in action when he attended Game 5 of the World Series earlier this year. It should come as no … [Read more...] about America’s Pastime In The People’s House
The Ed Martin Movement 1/17/20
What You Need to Know is the Senate impeachment trial kicks off. Sen. The Dems wanted a spectacle, and they’re about to get one — Trump wins… again. Their dog and pony show transmitting the articles of impeachment to the Senate was met with … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/17/20
The Ed Martin Movement 1/16/20
What You Need to Know is an explanation of Trump’s Deals Deals Deals! - a mutually beneficial way toward progress. President Donald Trump is the first president in our lifetime who knows how to negotiate with nations around the world, to America’s … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/16/20