If there’s one thing you can count on from bureaucrats, it’s that they will seize any opportunity to excuse their own underperformance. The education elites are no different. I predict that a decade from now, so-called education “experts” will still … [Read more...] about Choices For Parents
The Future and Direction of America | #ProAmericaReport 07.13.2020
What You Need To Know is 16 weeks from tomorrow is election day! What’s on the ballot 16 weeks from tomorrow is the future and direction of America. Everyday you are told what you need to know but now it’s time for you to move into the zone of doing … [Read more...] about The Future and Direction of America | #ProAmericaReport 07.13.2020
Facebook Can’t Stand Open Discourse
A key to any free and prosperous society is open discourse. When different people are allowed to exchange different ideas on different issues, the truth tends to prevail. Good ideas rise to the top and bad ideas fall out of favor. However, when … [Read more...] about Facebook Can’t Stand Open Discourse
Biden’s Immigration Plan to Destroy America | #ProAmericaReport 07.10.2020
What You Need to Know is Biden’s immigration plan will destroy America! He said he plans to give amnesty to all 18-20 million illegal aliens in America. It’s pretty self explanatory what this will mean for Americans, for their jobs, and for the … [Read more...] about Biden’s Immigration Plan to Destroy America | #ProAmericaReport 07.10.2020
Proxy Voting Is Unconstitutional
COVID-19 has done many things to American society, but it has not invalidated the United States Constitution. Article I Section 5 Clause 1 clearly states that when it comes to Congress, “a Majority… shall constitute a Quorum to do Business.” This … [Read more...] about Proxy Voting Is Unconstitutional
Reopening America’s Schools | #ProAmericaReport 07.09.2020
What You Need to Know is the President has decided we must go back to school! This is a big fight for the president, but he knows that in order for our nation to move forward this needs to happen. Watch those who oppose this decision — they will … [Read more...] about Reopening America’s Schools | #ProAmericaReport 07.09.2020
Supreme Court Supports Religious Freedom | #ProAmericaReport 07.08.2020
What You Need to Know is today the Supreme Court made two great decisions! The decisions they released today protect religious freedom and our future. Also, The prevalence of TikTok is crazy! Sec. of State Pompeo said they are taking a look at the … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Supports Religious Freedom | #ProAmericaReport 07.08.2020
Welcome To Equality!
The United Nations claims to be in the business of world peace, but sometimes it seems like they are only in the business of justifying their own existence and the billions of dollars they soak up every year. The official UN Twitter account … [Read more...] about Welcome To Equality!
America vs. Joe Biden | #ProAmericaReport 07.07.2020
What You Need to Know is what’s on the ballot in 17 weeks is American history — our American culture. It’s an election about America vs. Joe Biden’s transforming America. Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore over Independence Day boiled it … [Read more...] about America vs. Joe Biden | #ProAmericaReport 07.07.2020
Scottsdale Takes A Stand
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · July 7 | Scottsdale Takes A Stand If you’ve listened to many of these Phyllis Schlafly Commentaries, I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about the leftist agenda on many college campuses. At Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, we consider … [Read more...] about Scottsdale Takes A Stand