Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · August 10 | Identity Politics Comes for Justice Breyer Even though Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is a left-leaning Bill Clinton appointee, Democrats are pushing for him to retire. At least on the surface, they say … [Read more...] about Identity Politics Comes for Justice Breyer
We Are Losing Our Nation | 08.09.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is we are losing our nation! A priest in France was killed, Antifa disrupted Christians in Portland during a prayer service, a young female police officer was killed in Chicago, and our southern border is out of control. These … [Read more...] about We Are Losing Our Nation | 08.09.2021 #ProAmericaReport
The Surprising Assault on Free Market Energy
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · August 9 | The Assault on Free Market Energy Under President Biden, the assault on free market energy continues at a fever pitch. Big banks are being pressured not to lend money to traditional energy businesses. At the … [Read more...] about The Surprising Assault on Free Market Energy
We’ve Hit the Tipping Point | 08.06.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is we’ve hit a tipping point. Whatever you think about the confusion of the last year plus, the one thing we face now as a result of all the lockdowns and mandates is this: The government doesn’t realize yet that they have … [Read more...] about We’ve Hit the Tipping Point | 08.06.2021 #ProAmericaReport
In Defense of the Atom Bomb
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · August 6 | In Defense of the Atom Bomb On August 6, 1945, the United States changed the course of human history by dropping an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The wisdom of that action at the behest of … [Read more...] about In Defense of the Atom Bomb
Power Shift in Politics | 08.05.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is about the power shift in politics. Big Government spending by Congress is part of the shift to more control by Washington, D.C. Politico writes about Hawley et al being suddenly against the old GOP economics — lower tax, … [Read more...] about Power Shift in Politics | 08.05.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Marine Corps Going Woke | 08.04.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the Marine Corps is going woke! Last year the U.S. Marine Corps stopped sending Marines’ photos to promotions boards to eliminate decisions made based on unconscious racial bias. The result was less diversity in promotion. So … [Read more...] about Marine Corps Going Woke | 08.04.2021 #ProAmericaReport
H.R. 1: The Legislation “Poorly Matched to the Moment”
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · August 4 | The Legislation "Poorly Matched to the Moment" The nation watched in horror as Biden and his congressional Democrat allies made a full court press to pass H.R. 1, the so-called “For the People Act,” … [Read more...] about H.R. 1: The Legislation “Poorly Matched to the Moment”
Double Standards | 08.03.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the double standard! State leaders have used their position of power to advance their political ends for many years. This has gone on forever in both parties. Examples of this would be Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom & Rod … [Read more...] about Double Standards | 08.03.2021 #ProAmericaReport
SCOTUS: Leftists Want Breyer to Retire
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · August 3 | Leftists Want Breyer to Retire There is a deafening roar on the Left demanding that Bill Clinton-appointed Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer resign immediately. He’s only 82, which is not that old amid the … [Read more...] about SCOTUS: Leftists Want Breyer to Retire