Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 5 | The Gender Equality of Communism When you think of the communist Soviet Union, what do you think of? The gulags? The bread lines? The corruption? If you answer that question with “the gender equality,” you … [Read more...] about The Gender Equality of Communism
Russia Hoax is Getting Clearer | 11.04.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the Russia Hoax is getting clearer! The Russia Hoax is the political hit job by the Obama administration and FBI to target former President Donald Trump. It's becoming clearer that John Durham knows what happened … [Read more...] about Russia Hoax is Getting Clearer | 11.04.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Three Things We Learned | 11.03.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is three things we learned this week: It’s historically common for the party in the White House and Congress to lose in off years. The losses by Democrats this week are more intense because Biden is so … [Read more...] about Three Things We Learned | 11.03.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Biden’s Mandates: The Work of a Tyrant
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 3 | The Work of a Tyrant President Biden’s televised threat to compel most Americans to receive the controversial Covid vaccine raised tyranny to a level rarely before seen in our great country. Going a step … [Read more...] about Biden’s Mandates: The Work of a Tyrant
Climate Change Hysteria | 11.02.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know about climate change hysteria. President Biden is at the Climate Change Summit this week, and so far the only thing he is proving is that he can give away American jobs and money to other countries. And they are happy to take … [Read more...] about Climate Change Hysteria | 11.02.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Making America Great Again: Herschel Walker Shows Republicans How It’s Done
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 2 | Herschel Walker Shows Republicans How It's Done Herschel Walker is one of the hottest political figures in America today. He jumped into the Georgia U.S. Senate race that was already one of the … [Read more...] about Making America Great Again: Herschel Walker Shows Republicans How It’s Done
Acquit Kyle Rittenhouse! | 11.01.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Acquit Kyle Rittenhouse! Here’s the best article to understand what’s going on with the Kyle Rittenhouse trial Attorney Andrew Branca — Rittenhouse Trial: What to Expect As Trial Starts Tomorrow. Kyle’s conduct … [Read more...] about Acquit Kyle Rittenhouse! | 11.01.2021 #ProAmericaReport
The Guns Biden Left Behind: Arming the Taliban
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · November 1 | The Guns Biden Left Behind The phrase “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a popular axiom in the firearms community. With that in mind, perhaps it is easy to see why the U.S. government should not … [Read more...] about The Guns Biden Left Behind: Arming the Taliban
Biden is Losing His Presidency | 10.29.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Biden is losing his presidency! It’s pretty much over now. We have a wounded president, he has stumbled in Afghanistan, with the supply chain, with inflation, with gasoline prices, and I’m not sure how he will recover. Next … [Read more...] about Biden is Losing His Presidency | 10.29.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Real-World Socialism
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 29 | Real-World Socialism When someone says that America should abandon a system that we have held to for centuries, I do not think it is asking too much to demand that they bring a little evidence to the table. … [Read more...] about Real-World Socialism