Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: The Projection Racket | October 14, 2022 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Thank you for tuning in. … [Read more...] about #WYNK: The Projection Racket
The Projection Racket | 10.14.2022 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know about the Projection Racket. What is the projection racket? It’s when the left and media work together to project onto their appointments and criticize them. Here’s an example of this from a tweet by Josh Kraushaar that is being … [Read more...] about The Projection Racket | 10.14.2022 #ProAmericaReport
Politically Correct Monkey Business
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 14 | Politically Correct Monkey Business The Biden Administration has failed to develop testing and quarantine protocols for the dreadful new monkeypox virus, as Biden’s Cabinet tiptoes around political … [Read more...] about Politically Correct Monkey Business
#WYNK: Alex Jones Verdict Doesn’t Mean What You Think
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Alex Jones Verdict Doesn't Mean What You Think | October 13, 2022 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Alex Jones Verdict Doesn’t Mean What You Think
Alex Jones Verdict Doesn’t Mean What You Think | 10.13.2022 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know about the Alex Jones Verdict. Jones's verdict means something, but it’s not what you think. Jones was sued by the parents of Sandy hook victims after he said that the event was staged. The case went to court and Jones lost the … [Read more...] about Alex Jones Verdict Doesn’t Mean What You Think | 10.13.2022 #ProAmericaReport
No Fair DC Jury For Trump Supporters
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 13 | No Fair DC Jury For Trump Supporters Only 5% of Washington, D.C. voters cast their ballots for Donald Trump in 2020, reflecting how thoroughly anti-Trump the jury pool is there. It appears impossible for … [Read more...] about No Fair DC Jury For Trump Supporters
#WYNK: Tulsi Gabbard’s Riding the Red Wave
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Tulsi's Riding the Red Wave | October 12, 2022 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Tulsi Gabbard’s Riding the Red Wave
Tulsi’s Riding the Red Wave | 10.12.2022 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Tulsi is riding the red wave! Tulsi Gabbard knows the Democrat party is a sinking ship. And she doesn’t want to get caught on board. She recently moved to the independent party and has called out her former Democratic … [Read more...] about Tulsi’s Riding the Red Wave | 10.12.2022 #ProAmericaReport
Impeach Merrick Garland
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 12 | Impeach Merrick Garland Long after the gestapo-like raid of former President Trump’s home, the Democrat-controlled Justice Department had disclosed nothing to justify this unprecedented action against … [Read more...] about Impeach Merrick Garland
#WYNK: Sally Yates Rides Again
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Sally Yates Rides Again | October 11, 2022 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here in the Pro America Report. Hey, do me a favor, … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Sally Yates Rides Again